10 Hearing Disorders And It’s Causes

10 Hearing Disorders And It’s Causes

1) CSOM ( CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA ) – It is an infection or inflammation of the middle ear. The causes of CSOM are bacterial infection , prolonged otitis media , poor ear hygiene

2) OTITIS MEDIA – It is an infection or inflammation of the middle ear. CSOM is a type of otitis media. It is a very common condition in children, but it can affect adults too. The causes are bacterial , viral , common cold , sinusitis and exposure to smoke .

3) OTOTOXICITY – The ear gets poisoned when it gets exposed to high doses of drugs ( medicines ) or chemicals. This results in hearing loss, balance issues, and other related problems. The main causes are the antibiotics , kidney related diseases , chemotherapy drugs etc.

4) TYMPANIC MEMBRANE PERFORATION – It is the rupture of the eardrum. It is caused by loud sounds , head trauma , middle ear infection or rapid pressure changes , such as from air to travel.

5) MENINGIOMAS – It can cause hearing loss if the tumor affects the inner ear or the nerve that controls the hearing.

6) EAR CANAL STENOSIS – It is the narrowing of the ear canal. The causes are with infection , chronic inflammation , trauma , radiation therapy , poor ear canal healing after surgery.

7) MICROTIA – It is a ear deformity from birth in which the external ear is absent . The cause is when the external ear is small or not formed properly.

8) MACROTIA – It refers to the where the ears are oversized or large ears that aren’t in part to the head. The cause is hereditary.

9) OTOSCLEROSIS – An hereditary disorder that causes hearing loss due to ear’s inability to produce sound. The cause is unknown .

10) AUDITORY NEUROPATHY SPECTRUM DISORDER – It is a hearing problem in which the ear detects sound normally but has a problem sending it to the brain. The causes are trauma , genetic, or some disease.

Read More: Hearing Aid in Bhubaneswar




