10 Fun Virtual Alumni Event Ideas to Kick-off the New School Year
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The virtual events platform that empowers you to engage your audience!
Now more than ever, student affairs administrators and student organization leaders are looking for new ways to connect their communities, manage their groups effectively and efficiently from afar, develop social engagement as two-way communication strategies, and bring empowering interactive virtual events to an unexpectedly remote community.
We are here to assist your organization in creating unique, remote-inclusive events and reestablish member ties and communication.
Here are 10 fun virtual alumni event ideas to kick off the new school year:
1 - TikTok competition: Participate in the TikTok fun by generating materials for an existing TikTok competition or by establishing your own challenge and recruiting your students and alumni to participate.
2 - Create a video lesson for a group: Invite alumni to create and submit their own educational video to share something they're passionate about with the rest of the community.
3 - Virtual field trip: Organize a virtual field trip around your group's interests. It could be art, science, history, archeology, and more!
4 - Online trivia contest: Fun trivia rounds will test the members of your party. Make your choice: sports, current events, politics, economics, history, music, cinema, or any other topic relevant to the aims and interests of your group.?
5 - Virtual leadership development: Make a virtual version of an in-person training day for new student leaders, complete with films, readings, quizzes, and more.?
6 - Have a Netflix party: With the Chrome Extension, you can host a club movie night.?With the built-in chat, you can host a Netflix Party & watch a movie together.
7 - Learn & Lunch: Gather your alumni and students for an instructive BYOS session (Bring Your Own Snacks). You may customize your virtual gathering in any way you want: Coffee Talks, Lunch & Learns, Brown Bag Lunches, and Thirsty Thursday Happy Hours are all options.
8 - Collect and share volunteer opportunities: Have your alumni participate in volunteering opportunities locally, like at food banks and animal shelters, or organize a fundraiser for a chosen cause. Or expand the search and look into remote volunteer opportunities.
9 - Photo competition: Allow alumni and students to share amusing and inspiring photographs with the entire group or in smaller pods. Create a hashtag for everyone to submit to and follow on social media, and see which photo receives the most likes for a reward.
10 - Collaborative group photo: Ask each participant of your group to snap a picture of themselves or even with loved ones. To make a meaningful message, each member must write a letter or a phrase that you have determined collectively.?Assemble the components of your group puzzle and invite your participants to share the final creation.
What are some activities that your school or alumni association has planned? Comment them below and add your ideas to this list!