- As of February 2022, our digital resource library contains 375 resources. Have a quick browse and you’ll find evidence-based activities, articles, tip sheets, podcasts, videos, booklists and webinars on all aspects of parenting and education, all designed to help boost children’s resilience, confidence, emotional and digital literacy and learning. We add new resources all of the time and ensure that you are kept up to date about the latest developments in research.
- We’ve gone international! We’re very excited to say that the Tooled Up community is expanding worldwide. We’ve just launched our first school outside of the UK, in Athens, Greece.?
- By the end of March this year, we will have interviewed and curated notes for over 100 podcasts, featuring some of the most eminent researchers in the world. Most recently, we spoke to Dr Mimi Tatlow-Golden about the importance of fun, but our informative and interesting interviews cover all sorts of subjects, from young people’s mental health, to metacognitive strategies for the classroom teacher.
- Our “Researcher of the Month” feature is celebrating its one year anniversary soon. Our most viewed research feature was “Neuromyths in Education” by Dr Jo Van Herwegen of UCL. Over 1000 people have read our post about Jo's work.
- With your CPD in mind, we have delivered numerous webinars with top clinicians, doctors and researchers. School staff can now receive a CPD certificate for attending these (upon request).
- Subscriber schools can now follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @tooleduptips, to find out about our latest resources and upcoming webinars.
- We are innovating by partnering with Dr Ian Kinane, Senior Lecturer in Popular Literature and Culture at the University of Roehampton, and a top clinical psychologist, to create a PSHE module on sexual consent, misogyny and prejudice for senior schools.
- We have upcoming talks for schools on dyslexia with Dr Rebecca Gordon, autism with Dr Sophia Mooncey and teen sleep with Dr Faith Orchard. Subscriber schools can book places now. These are exclusive to TUE schools and staff are invited to submit questions in advance, always!
- Eating Disorder Awareness week is coming up on 28th February 2022. Referrals for eating disorders have increased dramatically since the start of the pandemic. To ensure that we are keeping you informed and up to date about this issue and how to tackle it in school, we are creating at several hours of watchable webinar content and podcast interviews which will be released at the end of the month. Schools should have everything they need to signpost to parents and to keep staff informed.
- We have responded to various requests from schools in recent weeks and produced brand new resources on oral health, teen sexual health and revision tips for years 7 and 8 (creating a video and tip sheet). Remember that you can always get in touch and request resources if you can’t find something you are looking for. We pride ourselves on our responsiveness. Thanks for listening!
Rem: to click through to resources mentioned, you must be a registered Tooled Up subscriber. To find out more about how your school can become 'Tooled Up', contact us by email: [email protected]