10 Fast Facts on NATO
"The Future of NATO" at International Spy Museum

10 Fast Facts on NATO

NATO is back at its birthplace, Washington D.C. It was founded here 75 years ago. It will be the focus of next week's SpyCast.

To coincide with the NATO Summit, the International Spy Museum hosted an event this week featuring the President of Latvia Edgars Rinkevics , the former President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi? , and current Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur .

We had a follow on panel featuring the Ranking Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Jim Himes and former United States Department of Defense Secretary and Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta. The proceedings were opened by our Executive Director Christopher P. Costa .

Left to right: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi?, Hanno Pevkur, Edgars Rinkevics, Leon Panetta, Andrew Hammond, Christina Ruffini

Here are 10 fast facts on the most famous political and military alliance in history.

1. NATO's founding event happened at the "Departmental Auditorium" in Washington D.C.

  • The "Departmental Auditorium" is now called the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium. It lies just on the other side of the National Mall from the International Spy Museum.
  • It is also the location where NAFTA was signed (1994) and where the 9/11 Commission held a press conference to release its findings (2004).

1301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington D.C.

2. NATO's first Supreme Allied Commander was General Eisenhower

General Eisenhower returns from a three-week inspection of European defenses and conferences with North Atlantic Treaty countries (1951).

3. NATO first Secretary General was Churchill's WWII Chief Military Advisor

"Pug" Ismay standing directly behind Churchill.

4. NATO's first summit was held in Paris in 1957

NATO Summit. Paris, 1957.

5. NATO has added an initial 20 members since founded in 1949

  • 12 members founded NATO, 2 North American countries and 10 European Countries.
  • It now includes all of Scandinavia, the Baltic Republics, most of Central and Eastern Europe, and the countries around the Adriatic Sea and the North Eastern Mediterranean.

6. NATO's 32 countries have a combined population of almost 1 billion

  • At the first NATO summit in 1957 the population of the then 15 member countries was almost 500 million.
  • Since then, the number of countries has more than doubled and the population has doubled. The Swedish and Finnish populations will be added to statistical databases.

The date that Finland and Sweden applied.

7. NATO is expected to have 23 out of 32 countries meet the 2% defense investment guideline

  • Rounded up, almost 72% of NATO countries will meet this target in 2024.
  • Ten years ago, only 3 countries met this target (USA, UK, and Greece).

Of the leaders on stage at the current Washington Summit, 23 of them represent countries that have met the 2% pledge. Can you figure out who?

8. NATO has had 13 Secretary General's

  • The current Secretary General is Jens Stoltenberg, the former Prime Minister of Norway. The Designate Secretary General, who will take over in October 2024, is the recently departed Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte.
  • By tradition the chief military officer, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, is an American and the Secretary General is a European.

Current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Washington D.C.

9. The famous "NATO star" is actually the "NATO compass"!

The NATO Compass is an enduring symbol of the Alliance.

10. If you want to know more about (a) NATO and Intelligence and (b) NATO and Ukraine - listen to these episodes of SpyCast


