10 Essential Command-Line Tools: Unveiling the Magic Behind Mouse Clicks
Harsh Srivastava
Red Hat Certified Engineer(RHCE) | Aspiring Dev-Ops Engineer and Python Developer
In the world of operating systems, two giants dominate the landscape: Linux and Windows. Behind their user-friendly graphical interfaces, lie powerful command-line tools that perform a wide range of tasks. While mouse clicks might seem like simple actions, they often trigger intricate command-line operations running behind the scenes. In this blog post, we'll explore 10 fundamental commands in both Linux and Windows and unveil the magic they perform when you click your mouse.
Linux Commands:
eog my_photo.jpg
evince my_document.pdf
xdg-open https://www.example.com
apropos compress
tree /home/user/Documents
figlet Hello, World!
cowsay "I am a talking cow!
Windows Commands:
dir /myfolder
cd /myfolder/destination
mkdir myfolder1
del myfile
copy source.txt destination.txt
move file.txt C:\NewFolder\file_renamed.txt
find "hello" textfile.txt
attrib +h secret.txt
runas /user:Administrator notepad.exe
Next time you click your mouse to perform a seemingly simple task, remember the array of command-line tools working diligently behind the scenes. Understanding these essential commands can deepen your appreciation for the underlying magic that drives your operating system. So, go ahead and embrace the power of the command line while effortlessly navigating your way through the graphical interface!
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