10 Entrepreneurship Lessons Taught By Cartoons

10 Entrepreneurship Lessons Taught By Cartoons

One would never think the quotes of Bugs, Bart, Stewie, Cartman or Dumbo could turn into office mottos. Make way and listen up because these dudes Know what they’re talking about!

1. “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive”, by Mr. Bunny

It’s a well-known fact that a nice smile can save a stressful mood at the office. It’s also known that if you want to take stuff just a little bit lighter… you’ll also affect your team and therefore overall productivity. We know there are tasks to be done. But if you can crack the guys and girls once in a while go all-in and thank the rabbit later.

2. “Well, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere”, by Mr. Bunny

This is a bonus tip for those elevator moments of nothingness and despair when we all seem to be headin' for the meat grinder. For all those sad and quiet faces Bugs has the perfect solution. It’s short. It’s punchy. It will distract you for 5 secs. You will need this one. Awesome for Mondays.

3. “Eat my shorts”, by Simpson Jr.

Bart Simpson has a knack for catchphrases. He’s a 10-year old (he has been for the last 20+ years of his life) so one can follow his keywords of wisdom, no problemo.

Eat My Shorts is a classic for that colleague that simply does not shut up. That hyperactive emailer. The ‘storytopper’. The dude that challenges everybody to do out-of-office stuff nobody’s actually interested in.

Think of this one as a ‘get out of jail card’. It’s clear, to the point and, in case you don’t have an extra pair of shorts just… don’t wear it out.

4. “I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now”, by Homer J. Simpson

Bart’s attitude comes from the source. The source that shall remain unknown because Homer Simpson is not the one to follow if you’re hunting for more ‘get out of jail’ cards.

Homer might be dumb but he sometimes hits the sweet spot: children are our future sounds like one just wants to be lazy, to Netflix and chill while life tours in front of your eyes. Yes, Homer saying something Not Lazy… “operator, give me the number for 911!”

If you want to make the most out of your day, whether you’re a dad going cray-cray with the kids or having a younger colleague that’s the new ‘golden boy’, this one’s got your back. Well, not for the dad stuff. That’s just life on the plate, have some and shut up.

But for the latter take the best outta Homer’s saying.

Sabotage him/her. Put his/her work to shame!

5. “I’d love to stay and chat but you’re a total b#tch”, by Mr. Griffin Jr.

(unlocked after 5–6 months of Eat My Shorts deployment)

Stewie Griffin is a savvy one.

Smart, sophisticated, articulate, urbane and kind of a sociopath, he’s the one to-go when you need to make a point, to gather the troops and, in short, to be a leader.

You don’t need to be the boss everybody hates. You need to be the one everybody respects.

Enter Stewie to build up your self-esteem and to command by example. Or fear!

6. “Screw you guys, I’m going home…”, by Mr. Cartman

You could not ask for a better ‘drop the mic’ (or shut off the computer) quote. Everybody gets it. It’s got all the info. Use it freely.

It feels particularly grand after all nighters.

Nothing else to add except… this one has 0 complains from the community.

7. “Oh, no. What if I went blind? I can’t face life if I’m blind! Oh, yeah! I’ll rely on my other senses! I’ll rely on my sense of humor! I’ll say s&#$ like, “So what if I’m blind? At least I don’t have to look at your ugly face!”, by Mr. Tyson

Straight outta Mike Tyson Misteries we find the ‘mean sad sack’ quote, for the ones aching to fill the shoes of the Most Hated Individual at the office… but, as you can read, the ‘mean sad sack’ can also solve some problems!

Despite on where you stand on the disabled community issues this quote has white and bold letters on a dark background: it’s as hateful as it is useful.

Turn stuff around for your own benefit. Stare at the solution. The problem itself will lead you… nowhere!

8. “Don’t just fly, soar!”, by Mr. Dumbo

(earned after 1 work year of using the Bugs Bunny quote)

Dumbo is not a big talker. As an elephant this is quite understandable. But Dumbo is someone you really should listen when he speaks. He knows his stuff (he’s getting a second movie… when’s your first coming out?!:)

What the nice pachyderm wants us to learn is that a job ‘well done’ has always something else to be polished. Enough is never enough.

Whether you run a fintech or make some burgers you just have to go 120% when all the company’s asking for is 95-ish.


9. “Hakuna Matata”, by Mr. Timon (no surname) featuring Mr. Pumba (also no surname to be found)

What could a meerkat and a warthog add to our take on life?

Well… a lot. Hakuna Matata can be the ray of light in middle of a perfect storm of undesired events.

Used wisely it can save you a customer, a buyer, a partner. So please share it with caution and Always with the best knowledge beforehand.

10. “Change is good.”, by Mr. Rafiki (no surname)

A character that stood quietly in the background of Walt Disney’s masterpiece The Lion King (Walt said “pursue your dreams”; Hollywood replies “nope, we’ll just rehash them”), Rafiki comes to the rescue with an insightful quote that will brighten up your day.

Change is indeed good. Nobody wants 40+ years doing the same (unless your surname is Zuckerberg or Brin:)

Embrace the new possibilities. Don’t be affected by what you lost. Be proud of what you can earn!

source: medium



