10 Email Marketing Tips Your Law Firm Needs to Know
Ryan Naegeli
Digital Marketing & Tech Innovation Strategist | Revolutionizing Automotive Sales | Mastering AI & CX to Maximize ROI
Email marketing has untapped potential for law firms. A well-planned email strategy will help you bring in new business in the short term and the long term.
Think about it - a potential client comes to your website, maybe with a question or a quick inquiry. If they find their answer and leave, or worse, don’t find it and leave, then you’ll never hear from them again. But, if you can capture their email address, you have the unique opportunity to start building a rapport with them immediately through email and email newsletters. A good law firm email strategy doesn’t require an excessive amount of effort. If you follow the 10 tips we’ve outlined below, you can be using email – the most trusted avenue for digital correspondence – as a way to retain and attract new clients.
1) Include a headshot of yourself in your email template
Email recipients want to know an actual person is writing to them and not a faceless company. When applicable, this image should be placed at the top of your email marketing template.
2) Focus on quality over quantity
The best way to stay on top of quality email content is to develop an editorial calendar. If your law firm handles a variety of markets, you may want to assign a specific topic to each day. For instance, you may designate Mondays for personal injury topics while Tuesdays might be dedicated to DUI content. As an additional note, include seasonal topics. These are popular with email recipients and will likely lead to a high open rate.
3) Give advice like it's going out of style
Advice is one form of quality content and any potential client will want to see your expertise in action. A few suggestions: "What do you do if you’re injured at work or someone’s house?" "How do you handle a DUI arrest in the timeliest manner?" These are questions that potential clients may have and can lead to them hiring your firm to handle their case.
4) Offer free consultations and promote them via email
A free consultation is a way to meet new potential clients. People love the concept of free and your willingness to offer something for free creates interest. One way to do this is to have an auto reply that appears when people sign up for your newsletter. It could say something like, “Thanks for your interest in joining our mailing list. Call us at 555-5555 for a free consultation.”
5) Include links to other digital properties
Internet users want the choice of communicating with you on their terms. Give them what they want by providing links to your social media profiles and website in your emails. Be sure to also provide a telephone number and address for additional contact options.
6) Always ask for a client's email address and add it to your emailing list
This way you’ll have all pertinent email information in the same place and your communications will serve as a retention mechanism.
7) Interview aligned organizations for special email marketing content
For example, a representative from an insurance company might be one possible interviewee who would provide quality content relevant to your audience.
8) Test the times you send out emails
Open rates and click-through rates are different from industry to industry and your clients are no exception. You will need to test to see which times work the best for your audience. Pay attention to the data you’re able to compile and stay consistent with your sending schedule once you’ve figured out what works best.
9) Don't neglect email design
Many people will be reading your email via a smartphone or tablet. A flashy design might be nice in concept but if your recipients can't read your email, it's useless. Use an email design that works well on both desktop and mobile devices alike and test your designs on different browsers too.
10) Show personality in your writing
Let’s be honest, sometimes the subject matter you will email may be a little dry. This doesn't mean you can't add some life to the subject line, incorporate interesting links for your potential clients to view or develop a “fact of the day.” This will help set you apart from other law firms sending boring emails.
It’s now time to get started on bringing the email marketing for your law firm up to a high-quality level. Do you feel prepared? Please reach out to me and share your thoughts!
Source: https://www.godigitalmarketing.com/learn/blog/10-email-marketing-tips-your-law-firm-needs-to-know