10 Easy Tips for Trainers!

10 Easy Tips for Trainers!

Stay Positive! Give frequent complements and feedback (even if it means writing on sticky notes).  Start the training with small talk.  Make the trainees feel comfortable.  If they like you, they will listen.  Ask them their area of expertise.  This builds their confidence and makes them feel valued and more open to discussion.  Ask what they would like to gain from the training.

Give an overview. Before any training session, provide an overview and give an agenda.  Always tell the trainees when the session will be over and stick to the schedule.  If you are showing a powerpoint, say how many slides you will be using.  Thirty minutes is the maximum amount of time you should ever talk about a subject. 

Emphasize importance. Explain why the session is so important.  Let the trainees peruse the materials and see if there are questions before you even begin.  This lets trainees know that the session is organic and can be flexible.  You care about their learning and answering their questions.  

Mix it up! If you are simply talking the whole time you will lose your audience.  Ask questions often.  Mix it up with stories, jokes, interesting facts, and quick activities.

Quick activities:

  • Read this paragraph silently.   We will discuss it in three minutes.
  • Turn and talk to the people around you. Try to answer this question.
  • Here is a real life problem. Take a few minutes and think about how you would solve it.

Less paper. Keep handouts to a minimum.  Offer blank paper and let people take their own notes.  If you are going to give a handout, make sure it is something that can be posted in someone’s cubicle and something they will refer to often. 

Explain your thinking. Demonstrating how to fill out forms is extremely helpful.  Break things down into steps and explain your thinking out loud.  “When I proofread and review a document, I am looking to make sure the dates are correct in these spots.  Tables and graphics need to be double checked.  This happened to me one time...”

Keep is short. If you have a lot of information to cover, break it into smaller sessions or pieces.  If you give too much information they will not be able to remember it all.  

Play copycat! During several training sessions with one woman, she asked me to open my laptop right next to hers.  We both did the same thing at the same time and I simply copied her.  It was a great authentic lesson without me feeling as though I were thrown in the deep end. 

Review, review, review. At the end of each training session, give a recap of what you went over.  Highlight the key points they need to remember.  Try to keep it simple.  “The top three things you should take away from today are...”

Ask for feedback! I once complemented a trainer and she asked for recommendation letter.  This was a strong piece of evidence for her portfolio.  You can even schedule a follow up session to see if they are using the things you taught.  Sometimes people need to hear something three times or in three different ways before they fully understand it.  You may need to review the material again and that is okay.  When you go over the same material again, you can go deeper into the topic.  It is a great way to touch base with someone.  Use the gradual release method. Always end the session with independent study.


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