10 differences between CodeIgniter 3 and 4
Dipanshu Chauhan
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Before we tend to bring up the variations, we want to understand a touch bit concerning what happened within the time between the discharge of version three and also the version.
Between the launch of the primary stable version of CodeIgniter 3 which of CodeIgniter 4, it took virtually five years, 1767 days to be a lot of precise.
In that time abundant has modified on the net, eight versions of PHP were launched, many different PHP frameworks appeared and people that were already on the market were being updated. Meanwhile, CodeIgniter was insulant, going from being one among the most PHP frameworks to changing into one among the foremost obsolete.
Differences between versions
CodeIgniter 4 is incredibly totally different from three and below you'll see a touch concerning the most variations between them.
1- Support for PHP versions
To use CodeIgniter four the minimum PHP version needed is 7.2, whereas with CodeIgniter three it's doable to use from version five.6 (which has already been fully discontinued).
2- Directory organization
The file structure is different. CodeIgniter four has its structure organized in five directories: /app,/system,/public,/writable,/tests. whereas CodeIgniter three is organized into two directories:/application and/system`.
3- Use of namespaces
CodeIgniter four is written entirely in PHP seven and makes use of namespaces, whereas CodeIgniter three doesn't use namespaces.
4- self-loading
CodeIgniter four encompasses a far more economical autoload method, and one among the factors that assist is the utilization of namespaces. whereas in CodeIgniter three it's necessary to manually assemble most of the files to be loaded.
5- Use of entities
CodeIgniter four has native support for the utilization of Entities (entities) that facilitate in structuring the information a part of an associate application, representing the present columns within the tables. CodeIgniter three didn't have this feature and anyone UN agency required to use it required to use third-party libraries and build changes to the file transfer to support it.
6- Performance
CodeIgniter four, for victimization PHP seven in writing and as a minimum configuration on the server, and different aspects, encompasses a higher performance than CodeIgniter three.
7- Monolithic Libraries
Unlike CodeIgniter three, during this redo, the utilization of monolithic libraries within the PEAR vogue is nearly zero.
8- Settings
With CodeIgniter four, the initial settings for your application to start running area unit nominal, whereas in CodeIgniter three it was necessary to perform a decent variety of configurations.
9- Native support for .env files
CodeIgniter four has native support for .env files, permitting associate optimization of the settings of the various environments wherever it's going to be running (production, tests, development). This feature didn't exist natively in CodeIgniter three.
10- Migration between versions
CodeIgniter four isn't backward compatible, that the method of change applications from version three to version four would require a touch a lot of work, however, it's not in the slightest degree sophisticated.
While the migration from version 2.x to 3.x, and between the various versions 3.x was simply overwriting the files within the /system directory and change the name of some files, from version three to four a brand new structure is required for the applying and a rewrite of all the categories utilized in it to adapt to the new commonplace.
These area units a number of the most variations between versions three and four of CodeIgniter. keep tuned here that encompasses a ton of content concerning CodeIgniter four being created.