10 Complimentary Panels Featuring 40 of the Most Prominent Institutional Investors
We're very excited to announce 10 complimentary panels featuring 40 of the alternative investment industry’s most prominent institutional investors. These panels will take place before and during our upcoming Gaining the Edge – Global Cap Intro 2024 and will focus on individual alternative investment strategies as well as broader asset allocation and manager due diligence topics.
This is a unique opportunity to hear independent investment information from industry leading investors, including 9 of the top 10 institutional consulting firms. We will be highlighting each individual panel in the coming weeks.
Visit GTE 2024 Panels to register for individual webinars.
Generating Alpha with Emerging Managers (Thursday, May 2 - 11:00am ET)
Opportunities in Quant and Global Macro (Monday, May 13 - 11:00 am ET)
Opportunities in Fixed Income Oriented Alternative Investment Strategies (Thursday, May 23 - 10:30 am ET)
Which Hedge Fund Strategies Look the Most Attractive Over the Next 24 Months? (Tuesday, June 4 - 11:00 am ET)
Use of Alternative Investment Strategies to Enhance the Risk Adjusted Returns of a Pension Fund Portfolio (Thursday, June 6 - 11:00 am ET)
Where are the Opportunities in Long Short Equity & What Makes a Good Manager? (More information to follow)
Private Markets (More information to follow)
CAIA's Impact on the Alternative Investment Industry?(More information to follow)
What Asia Based Alternative Investment Strategies Look the Most Attractive??(More information to follow)
The Rise of Asian Family Offices and Their Quest for Alpha (More information to follow)
Gaining the Edge - Global Cap Intro 2024
Gaining the Edge – Global Cap Intro 2024 will take place virtually from June 17 – 28 with the scheduling application opening on May 28. This event is expected to be one of the largest in the alternative investment industry for 2024, offering 1-1 capital introduction meetings between an extensive list of leading managers and allocators worldwide.
For more information, please visit: GTE Global Cap Intro 2024