10 compelling reasons for using digital learning
Hazel Cray Chartered FCIPD FLPI
Head of Delivery - helping L&D and Coaching Professional Apprentices achieve timely success
1. Reach dispersed workforce
Whether people work remotely, are scattered across the area, country or world or just work different shifts providing digital learning means everyone can be reached at a time and location that suits them.
2. Just in time delivery
Learning can be delivered ‘in the flow’ a quick learning opportunity to support performance, add context to an induction or drive improvement at the point of need.
3. Multi-generational
E-learning on a device or immersive learning through an app, when implemented well in a way that respects generational preferences, evens knowledge across the company helping to keep all feeling relevant and included.
4. Bite-sized
Whether a short You Tube or own-branded animated film, instructional course or virtual reality experience digital learning is easy to fit in around work and personal life commitments and encourages continuous learning with minimum interruption.
5. Self directed learner choice
The learner can be in control, selecting courses that suit their current and future requirements. They can introduce themselves to topics that they may need to be competent in to develop without having to come and ask for it.
6. Produce co-created resources
Learners can go beyond just accessing and start creating and sharing learning resources, collaborating with other colleagues to solve a problem and publish the result for wider value.
7. Access learning anywhere/anytime
More people are choosing to learn away from work, during their commute, through social media sites and other networks in their free time. Digital learning can be on or offline.
8. Cost and time saving
When implemented and deployed in the right way digital learning can help make great gains in cost and time savings. Costs associated with lengthy downtime, venues, refreshments, trainer expenses, admin and workbooks are all removed or reduced.
9. Creating a learning culture
Engaging with an audience around learning is no different to reaching potential customers. Helping everyone understand what is available, why they may need it and how it can help them, how it can be accessed and what help is at hand to enable them to do that is key to creating a digital learning strategy that is alive.
10. It’s easy to get started
With so much material already at our fingertips, many options for off-the-shelf and course authoring tools readily available it is easy to get started.
If you are not quite sure where to start, are overwhelmed by all the options and don’t want to throw yourself open to the mercy of a plethora of sales people then working with a broker such as Induction Junction will help you to safely navigate and evaluate the options.
Email: [email protected] or call Hazel on 0333 358 3084 today.