10 Commandments of Selling in the DM's
Matt Lakajev
Want LinkedIn Leads? Click my Moustache :) | I’m ranked No.1 in Australia and No. 9 Globally for Lead Generation across all social media channels | DM me “7FC” if you might be looking for help
My post last week walked you through my exact process of closing $17,100 in the DM's without a sales meeting.
It was jam packed with so much value people were legit closing sales using it
(Imagine how good our program would be then ???)
But there’s a big problem with it...
Sure it runs through my process providing all my scripts and a detailed breakdown of everything I do
But that’s the thing → it’s my process
Not yours….
Sure you can use my templates and make a few tweaks so it works for you
But what you don’t realise is I change my scripts daily.
Human beings are catching on…
What got you a 14% reply rate 4 years ago
Isn’t even getting someone to accept your connection request now…
People are becoming more aware of the fact they're being sold to
Whether it’s
→ AI personalisation
→ Algorithms becoming smarter
→ The sheer volume of emails you receive
(Or that jacked dude in my insta feed who sells a weight loss coaching program screaming “If you’re not losing more than 1kg per week you’re a **** **** failure”)
Everyone's catching on...
And this old quote sums it up perfectly
“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”
Last week I handed you the fish on a silver platter
Like how Joffrey was handed the Iron Throne
Somewhat effective in the beginning → but the long game wasn’t there.
Imagine instead becoming Brandon Stark → legit orchestrating your way onto the throne
(Yes I know it was a shi*t ending and yes Brand is a bit of a twat. But you get my point)
Over the next 3 weeks I’m going to teach you how to fish.
And build the 1 skill that matters most in business
→ How you can login to LinkedIn while in between sets at the gym, start a chat out of thin air, ask a few questions, and book some damn meetings.
Starting out this week with the 10 Commandments of Selling in the DM’s.
These are the principles I teach in our program and what I use everyday to guide my strategy and tactics because
→ It’s not that the DM’s don’t work
→ It’s that you don’t have the skills to make it
And that's what we're here to fix. So let’s get into it….
The 10 Commandments of Selling in the DM's
1. Personalisation & Relevance
2. Be a human
3. Let it marinate
4. Leverage
5. Sell the next step
6. Follow up
7. Volume negates luck
8. Multichannel
9. Track, Measure, Adjust, Repeat
10. Trust
1. Personalisation & Relevance
If you’re not getting connection requests accepted or receiving replies to you DM’s → this is the answer
Here’s a good way to think about it
Imagine receiving two Christmas cards in the mail
Card 1 - “Merry Christmas Matt, from your local real estate agency. If you are looking at selling your house we’d love to help you so please give us a call”
Card 2 - “Hi Bill, I Matt from Matt’s local real estate just up the road at 110 Pacific Highway. I wanted to wish Merry Christmas to yourself, your wife and your two puppies Cherry and Teddy. I love seeing them at Humm Coffee every couple of days. Also I took a look at the value of your apartment and it seems like it’s gone up in value 28% since you last bought it, meaning you could get a great deal right now if you sold. Let me know if you are open to an appraisal and I’ll bring you and your wife over an Ice Oat Latte and we can do it then. Merry Christmas, Bill.”
This is the power of Commandment 1 → where you can write messaging so powerful your prospects will jump out of their seats to reply to you.
When using this principle remember…
2. Be A Human
After November 30 2022 and the release of ChatGPT → there’s been the rise of AI Chatbots
And whenever we login and start chatting there’s that little thing in the back of our head that starts thinking
”Am I talking to an AI here? Or is this actually a Human,”
That’s why Being A Human in the chats is so important.
This chat restart I used on Saturday morning at 9.12am helped restart a conversation after I’d send through the program details to the prospect → and it ended up closing at 10.18am after I took Teddy for a walk.
This is the power of Being A Human.
Here’s 3 simple tactics to help
3. Let It Marinate
You’re probably thinking “WTF does this have anything to do with the DM’s”
One of the biggest mistakes I see is people rushing for the meeting…
Remember that only 3% of people are ready to buy now.
But if you know the prospect has the problem you can solve for → it’s only a matter of time before they need help.
Back when I was working at Tele-Sense I called Chris from Wesley Mission every month for 5 months straight.
He and I both knew they needed help with their phone system → but it was going to take him time to convince all the stakeholders that it was a problem worth pursuing.
Fast forward 18 months and my old business partner Michael closed the deal and has been helping them ever since.
Stop rushing people → otherwise you’ll come across desperate.
You want them to come to you…
So remember when letting it marinate
4. Leverage
Once you’ve built the skill and have built a process that works
That’s where leverage comes into play - and there’s two types I think of here
The trick here is making sure you have the fundamentals down first
Otherwise you’ll end up 7 months later with 13 software subscriptions and not a single lead….
So remember this when applying leverage
5. Sell The Next Step
Which do you think would get a high response rate?
“Hey Bill, I just saw your comment on Justin Welsh’s post and then checked out your profile and saw that you are a business coach. We have an AI software that helps business coaches book 20 meetings per month. Do you have 30 minutes to speak about how I can help you. Here is my Calendly link to book in a time. Thanks, Charly.”
“Hey Bill, I just saw your comment on Justin Welsh’s post and then checked out your profile and saw that you are a business coach. We have an AI software that helps business coaches book 20 meetings per month. I recorded a 2 minute video that shows you how we booked Nigel, another online fitness from Colorado like you, 14 appointments in the first week. Open to me sending it through to you?”
I know what I’d respond to…
Yes you may be a perfect fit for the person → but they don’t trust you yet.
So whatever you do make the next steps in the DM easy for them to say yes to
And remember these 3 things
6. Volume Negates Luck
Now I didn’t coin this term but it was Dr. Hormozi so you know it’s good…
And the perfect example of this is Bjion Henry who joined the program early October 2023
After joining himself and his business partner Tor Abrams went on to book 181 sales meetings in Q4 2023
(You can watch the full case study video on our Wall of Love - https://unlockai.ai/wall-of-love)
Selling in the DM’s works → but it takes Volume to get good at it and putting in the reps
Remember these 3 things when getting started with it
7. Track, Measure, Adjust, Repeat (TMAR)
3 weeks ago when looking through our Sell By Chat data
I noticed there were tons of deals that we’d Sent Program Details that had ghosted us,
I then chatted to one of my coaches Cindy Anne Molchany about the problem and she explained
"All the prospect will do is look for the price. You need time so they understand the value. Send them an offer doc with no $ tell them to sleep on it. Then if it's good fit send the pricing"
I then spent the next 3 hours creating an Offer doc and adjusted our process a bit and BAM → 5 deals closed valued at $11,985.
This was only possible because I tracked our lead stages meaning I made decisions based on data
Not what “I thought” was the problem…
So remember these 3 things when starting TMAR
8. Multichannel
My good mate Ryan Musselman is the perfect example of executing this one
Back on the 28th of Sept last year Ryan had an impromptu Zoom call and I walked through how to sell in the DMs.
After that simple chat he closed a deal 1.5 weeks later worth $3k legit paying for our program ??
He closed it so quickly → because he sends voice notes.
See everyone who follow Ryan knows him and watches his videos.
So the impact made from him sending voice notes was kinda like a celebrity sending you a Cameo.
Now he’s taken his revenue from $14>$50k per month as a solopreneur
And all he did was change his DM strategy more than tripling his income.
(If you want to watch the full length case study video you can see it here - https://unlockai.ai/wall-of-love)
Here’s 3 things to remember when running Multi-channel
9. Follow-up
“After a sales meeting I never follow up. If they want to work with me, then I’ll wait for them to come back because I don’t chase”
Every time I read this → I pick up my wireless Logitech keyboard and smash it on my ******* desk.
(Ok not literally. But you get the point)
This is the worst piece of advice that is somehow gaining traction when it is completely false.
I believe it so much that if I wasn’t allowed to follow up → I wouldn’t even both selling in the DM’s
Because it’s your duty to follow someone up if you know you can help them.
Imagine if you went in and get a scan with your doctor and there was an issue
No matter what they are going to be damn sure they get onto you so that you come back in for a check up.
That’s how you should feel if you have absolute conviction and know that you can help someone → it's your duty to reach out
The below prospect literally thanked me for following up 4 times over 2 months…..
And are now a client of ours because the time was right.
If you still don’t believe me → message any sales person you know and ask them how important follow up is
Then attempt to tell them you don’t think it is because the person should come to you and watch them laugh openly in your face.
Ok, sorry this one was a bit of a rant → but you get my point.
It’s important….
So remember these 3 things when following up
10. Trust
I’m currently a member of 3 different cults → Crossfit, LinkedIn and BNI.
But I’m going to talk about BNI → the most culty of them all haha.
BNI CBD Corporate is an in person networking group I attend every Friday morning at 6.30am with 35 other business owners
Where we spend 2 hours networking and pitching our businesses hoping to generate referrals.
And tbh → I love it.
It’s actually one of the inspirations for me starting this program and anyone doing it is usually my ICP (so feel free to send some referrals my way haha).
But what matters the most about BNI is the trust that built between everyone that attends.
The way I look at it → there are only two ways to build try
1) Receiving perceived value
2) Spending time with someone
These are 2 things that have come out of my 1 year thus far in BNI
Which have created a room full of people I know, like and trust.
And why is trust important?
It's the ultimate lubricant for any sales process...
Have you ever thought about why referrals close so much quicker? It's because they trust you.
So remember these 3 things when it comes to trust and sales
Damn that was a seriously long newsletter haha.
It's because all the info is so fresh in my head after releasing the new Conversations Module in the program on Friday.
This is about 8% of what's inside it → and we are only at the fundamentals lol.
Now I know if you’ve read through this whole newsletter your probably pretty committed to generating leads on LinkedIn....
So let's not beat around the bush here → if you're a
And your ideal potential clients are on LinkedIn
And you have 5 hours per week to implement a system
And you want to start generating 5 warms leads per week with a system you control without spending $1 on ads
Then you are the perfect fit for our program.
You can either
1) Apply to join our program here - https://unlockai.ai/
2) Or DM me "10 Commandments"
And let's chat to see if the program might be a good fit for you :)
Alright team I'm off. I'm gonna cook some dinner then takes Teddy and Cherry for a walk.
Peace out and Happy Sunday!
Love the resilience! ?? Reminds me of Warren Buffett's drive - Success is a mix of persistence and conversations. Keep sharing your journey! ?? #PowerOfConversations
That’s fantastic to hear! Your determination and mindset echo the words of Bruce Lee - Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own. ?? Your skill in steering conversations to success is inspiring. Looking forward to those newsletters! ???? Can't wait to hear more about your journey and the memorable deals ahead. Keep shining! ?
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1 年Closing deals through skilled conversations is truly empowering! Looking forward to your upcoming newsletters.
Director of AI & Digital — I guide AI adoption, pinpoint strategic opportunities, build pilots, and deliver performance gains for AI enabled businesses.
1 年Sounds like an epic Friday! Generating hot leads on demand is a game-changer.