The 10 Commandments of Being a Lousy Manager and How Not to Be One

The 10 Commandments of Being a Lousy Manager and How Not to Be One

Are you a manager who wants to be remembered as one of the worst? Do you want to leave a lasting legacy of misery and despair in the workplace? If so, then this article is not for you. However, if you want to learn how to avoid being a lousy manager, then read on.

Commandment 1: Thou shalt micromanage

Nothing says "I don't trust you" quite like micromanaging your employees. Make sure to hover over their shoulders, nitpick every little detail, and never let them make decisions on their own. This will ensure that your employees feel demoralized and unimportant.

Commandment 2: Thou shalt never praise

Why bother praising your employees when you can just criticize them instead? Make sure to only focus on the negative and never acknowledge their hard work or accomplishments. This will ensure that your employees feel undervalued and unappreciated.

Commandment 3: Thou shalt play favorites

Make sure to only show favoritism towards certain employees. This will ensure that your other employees feel left out and unimportant. Bonus points if you give your favorite employees all the good assignments and promotions.

Commandment 4: Thou shalt never communicate

Communication is overrated, right? Make sure to never communicate with your employees about their goals, expectations, or feedback. This will ensure that your employees feel confused and directionless.

Commandment 5: Thou shalt never listen

Why bother listening to your employees when you can just talk over them instead? Make sure to never listen to their ideas or concerns. This will ensure that your employees feel unheard and unimportant.

Commandment 6: Thou shalt never delegate

Why bother delegating tasks when you can just do everything yourself? Make sure to never delegate tasks to your employees. This will ensure that your employees feel unchallenged and unimportant.

Commandment 7: Thou shalt never give feedback

Why bother giving feedback when you can just assume your employees know what they're doing wrong? Make sure to never give constructive feedback to your employees. This will ensure that your employees feel unimportant and unappreciated.

Commandment 8: Thou shalt never have fun

Work is serious business, right? Make sure to never have any fun in the workplace. This will ensure that your employees feel bored and uninspired.

Commandment 9: Thou shalt never be flexible

Why bother being flexible when you can just stick to the same old routine? Make sure to never be flexible with your employees' schedules or work arrangements. This will ensure that your employees feel unimportant and undervalued.

Commandment 10: Thou shalt never create a positive workplace culture

Why bother creating a positive workplace culture when you can just create a toxic one instead? Make sure to never prioritize your employees' well-being or happiness. This will ensure that your employees feel miserable and unfulfilled.

In conclusion, if you want to be a lousy manager, just follow these commandments. However, if you want to be a great manager, make sure to do the opposite. Prioritize your employees' well-being, communicate effectively, and create a positive workplace culture. Your employees will thank you, and your business will thrive.


