10 Changes That Could Extend Your Life
Robert Intelisano
President Intelisano & Assoc Inc. insurance The Insurance Dr. philanthropist, foodie, hoops, UFC fanatic & Pizza Guru! The Monolith Group!
When sitting or now Zooming or Skyping with clients to talk about their future, I ask a variety of thought stimulating questions such as: how long do you plan on living? What is most important to you? What are your goals and objectives? How much do you want to leave to your children?
The first question is the most difficult because we do not know how long we will live. If we did, it would be easy to figure out issues like when to buy life insurance, what type and how much, for example. It would also be easy to decide how much to withdraw from IRA’s, 401k’s, and other “qualified accounts,” meaning pre-tax money.
A possible solution to the first question is setting up an “immediate annuity,” which converts a lump-sum of money into a stream of monthly income for life that you cannot outlive! I will cover this in detail in a future column after the election.
What if you could make some simple lifestyle changes to extend your life that could result in weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and/or improving blood pressure readings, all without medication or fad diets? See below for 10 tips on how to accomplish this:
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- Drink Plenty of Water: The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily intake of water for adults to stay at peak mental and physical performance is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men, and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women. Water keeps you hydrated, curbs your appetite and urges to overload on sugary soft and sports drinks. Please note that coffee (caffeine) and alcohol dehydrate you, so if you are a heavy consumer of these beverages, you should consider drinking more water.
- Eat Nuts: People who eat about two ounces of tree nuts four to five times per week tend to live longer than those that do not.
- Move Naturally: Also known as exercise. This is one of the harder steps to focus on, especially if your occupation requires you to sit at a desk for long periods of time. Simple adjustments during the day like taking the stairs instead of an elevator every other trip and/or doing your errands while walking or by bicycle can help.
- Go Green: Fill most of your plates with fruits and vegetables, preferably organic. Try to eat foods, sometimes called “Super Foods” that have antioxidants like blueberries, strawberries, pecans, artichokes, or kale every day. Adding some of these “Super Foods” to a protein shake with ingredients like wheat germ, moringa, turmeric, and flaxseed can be a fun way to replace a meal, and get better nutrients than many meals will give you. Most Americans consume too much meat which is harder to digest and can increase cancer risk.
- Eat until you are 80% full: If you are starting to feel full, stop eating. Over time your body will adjust to the smaller portions and you will no longer get those hunger feelings and cravings. Another strategy to help the process is to take a 5-minute break when half-done eating, and you will see that you no longer need to eat as much to be satisfied.
- Take Part in Happy Hour: Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers and of course heavy drinkers. A glass of red wine with friends and/or food can help prolong your life.
- Find a Healthy Social Circle: Research indicates that happiness and healthiness are contagious. It is always good to have support from like-minded people. Tell friends about your new lifestyle plans and see what kind of support you get.
- Go For Annual Medical Checkups: This should include blood and urine samples, EKG and stress tests, etc.
- Get Proper Sleep: Research has shown that getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night keeps the body and mind fresh and extends your energy and life.
- Budget and Plan Your Future: The biggest fear of seniors is the fear of running out of money! Knowing that you have planned for a financially secure future will reduce your stress.
These lifestyle changes are not easy at first. Try not to think of it as a diet or temporary change. These are long-term lifestyle changes! Watch the people around you notice the difference and they will start asking you questions about how you did it.
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President Intelisano & Assoc Inc. insurance The Insurance Dr. philanthropist, foodie, hoops, UFC fanatic & Pizza Guru! The Monolith Group!
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