10 Casting Defects
Identify and fix 10 casting defects with these pictures, descriptions, and causes.
1. Bent or Twisted Defect
Bend or twist casting defects occur when the part bends or twists out of desired shape.
Potential Causes
2. Misrun or Short Pour Defect
Misrun or short pour casting defects can be identified by holes or areas where the metal didn’t fill the mold, creating an incomplete part.
Potential Causes
3. Parting Line Shift Defect
If the mold cope and drag misalign, you may notice an offset/uneven appearance to your casting, occurring at the parting line.
Potential Causes
4. Flash Defect
Casting flash occurs when metal leaks out of the mold, creating excess surface area.
Potential Causes
5. Porosity Defect
Metal casting porosity is localized round holes in the part.
Porosity is perhaps the most well-known casting defect. There are several distinct “types” of porosity.
Potential Causes
Unlike hydrogen gas porosity, this type of porosity can be caused by your metal casting method. For example, sand castings and die castings typically have more porosity defects than permanent mold castings. Why? In sand casting, metal is dumped into the mold. In die casting, metal is high-pressure injected into the mold. In permanent mold casting, metal is gravity-fed, controlled by a tilt pour press. This creates less turbulence during the pouring process, resulting in less porosity.
6. Hydrogen Gas Porosity Defect
Hydrogen gas porosity appears as small holes throughout the metal casting.
Potential Causes
7. Inclusion Defect
Inclusion defects occur when small particles trapped in the mold or metal create porosity or poor surface finish on a casting.
Potential Causes
8. Shrink Defect
Shrinkage appears as dips, sinks, and voids in a casting.
Potential Causes
9. Crack Defect
Cracking defects are lines splitting the casting surface.
Potential Causes
10. Rough Surface Finish Defect
Surface finish defects occur when the casting has a high RMS surface finish that is out of spec.
Potential Causes
The average as-cast permanent mold surface finish is?200 to 400 RMS. This is smoother than?sand casting?(typically 300 to 560 RMS), but rougher than?die casting?(typically 20 to 120 RMS).
Stop Casting Defects
The best way to avoid defects is to choose an experienced supplier who will produce quality castings from the start! Contact us to learn more.
This is linked to our original content: https://batesvilleproducts.com/resource/casting-defects-cheat-sheet/