- Web and Application #hosting: #aws provides a variety of services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (#ec2 ), which can be used to host web applications and websites.
- Backup and Disaster Recovery: #aws offers a range of services for backup and disaster recovery, including #amazon #s3 and Amazon Glacier, which provide secure and scalable #storage options.
- Database Management: AWS offers a range of database services, including Amazon Relational Database Service (#rds ), which makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale relational #databases.
- Big Data Processing: AWS offers a range of big data processing services, including Amazon Elastic MapReduce (#emr ), which can be used to process and analyze large amounts of data.
- Content Delivery: AWS offers a range of content delivery services, including Amazon CloudFront, which can be used to distribute static and dynamic web content to users with low latency.
- Internet of Things (#iot ): AWS offers a range of IoT services, including AWS IoT Core, which can be used to securely connect, manage, and process data from IoT devices.
- Machine Learning: #aws offers a range of machine learning services, including Amazon SageMaker, which makes it easy to build, train, and deploy machine learning models.
- Media Services:#aws offers a range of media services, including Amazon Elastic Transcoder, which can be used to convert video files into different formats for delivery to different devices.
- Mobile Services: #aws offers a range of mobile services, including Amazon Cognito, which can be used to authenticate and manage user identities for mobile and web applications.
- Virtual Desktops: #AWS offers a range of virtual desktop services, including Amazon WorkSpaces, which can be used to provide users with secure and scalable virtual desktops.