Ankur Joshi
Cyber Security Professional | Penetration Tester | Ethical Hacker | Cyber Security Instructor
Hello everyone. So, here we have the top 10 ethical hacking books, through which you will gain knowledge and be able to hack some systems and know the loopholes and vulnerabilities if any. Remember that ethical hacking means having permission to hack , keep this thing always in your mind.
1. The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws
This is one of the highly popular and commercially successful books for hacking. I personally recommend you this book. The book is thorough on website security and good for reference as well. It follows an efficient approach. This book tries to make you think at every point. The book has loads of real-world best practices and scenarios. The book is well-organized, with the first few chapters discussing major web components and potential vulnerabilities, the next few focus on hack steps for sessions, databases, etc.
2. Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense
This is a solid foundational book for beginners and best books learn hacking including freshers who have no idea about networking, security, hacking, etc. The book has simple and effective language and gives thorough explanations of the various concepts and topics. It is mostly a theory book and doesn’t have much implementation or techniques explained. It is a good book to overview all the high-level hacking concepts like security testing, various tools, penetration testing techniques, mobile security, and ways to protect networks.
3. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
This intermediate book for hacking has a different perspective on hacking. The author encourages you to have a solid technical foundation apart from knowing networking and security and explains how arcane hacking techniques work. This is a hands-on and practical book that works its way through examples while exploring various hacking areas. The author emphasizes the need to think like a hacker, be creative, and investigate areas never touched before.
4. The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Made Easy
If you plan to be a penetration tester (pen-tester), this will be a good first book for you. The book covers a wide range of tools like Backtrack and Kall Linux, Nmap, Social-Engineer Toolkit, Netcat, and many more. The book is well-structured and covers each topic step-by-step for thorough understanding. The author’s tone is quite entertaining and engaging. It is a complete ethical hacking training material for beginners.
5. Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters
This book is great for those who have some programming experience (not necessarily Python) but no Hacking experience. As Python is easy to learn, you can learn it side by side through this book. For more information, you can refer to online materials once in a while. The book uses Python 2 and mostly focuses on how to write effective hacking tools using Python. The book is thorough with the techniques and challenges you at various levels. You can use it as reference material as well as for learning from scratch.
6. Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook
The book covers all the basics and then moves on to some intermediate concepts as well. So, whether you are a fresher or not, you will benefit from this book in some way. This is an interesting and well-written book in a neat and crisp style. Although some concepts are not covered too much in-depth, it is sufficient for you to start with ethical hacking, networking, and cybersecurity.
7. The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications
This is a thorough and comprehensive guide, and not only that, but it is also written in a fascinating, engaging manner. Since we all use the web for some other reasons, you can relate to many scenarios covered in the book as a reader. It is an eye-opener of how our data is so vulnerable and what are the weak points that make hacking possible on a large scale. The book also gives a solution to these problems through various tools and techniques.
8. Exploiting Software: How to Break Code (Addison-Wesley Software Security)
The book is deeply technical and written knowledgeably and educationally. It is for those who have some working knowledge of reverse engineering and exploitation but want to go deep into exploring black hat techniques for exploiting software vulnerabilities. The book emphasizes attack patterns, which we have not seen in any other book in so much detail. The author gives a lot of examples and case studies that are relevant in today’s scenario.
9. Advanced Penetration Testing: Hacking the World's Most Secure Networks
The book covers some complex scenarios and techniques to face those. This is for professionals who want to think like professional hackers and perform pen-testing on highly secure networks. Many examples in the book use C, Java, JavaScript, VBA, Windows Scripting Host, Flash, etc. The author introduces you to many scanning tools and standard library applications in these languages.
10. Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking
The book starts by explaining the fundamental skills and techniques that every pentester should possess. As the name suggests, the book contains many examples, practical lessons with tools, and a machine-based lab. This way, you will be able to closely understand how a hacker gains access to security systems, cracks network keys and passwords, and write exploits on your own for all of the above and more.
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