10 Benefits of Working from Home
If you’re considering working from home, this post will give you every reason to pursue it. The benefits of working from home are many, and I’ve listed 10 here to get you started.
You’ll save money with no commute, parking fees, lunches out, or work wardrobe.
It’s hard to choose a favorite because I love pretty much everything about working from home. But if I had to choose one, having control over my schedule would be it.
When you work from home as a freelancer you can make your own schedule and choose your own hours.
I love being able to control my own work environment.
Stay in your bathrobe until noon if you like! Wear your sweats and exercize in the middle of the day! Have your favorite music playing. Look on your favorite outdoor scene while you work.
You can create whatever comfortable, relaxing environment you need to get your work done.
You can work from home as a full-time employee with benefits.
My go-to resource for information on companies that hire from home is FlexJobs.com. At the time of this writing, there were 2058 full-time jobs listed that were 100% virtual in which you were an employee with all the benefits. That’s amazing!
There are a variety of work from home type jobs now.You’re not restricted to only customer service or data entry jobs.
You’ll find top paying work from home jobs in many different job categories. FlexJobs has 52 different job categories employers are hiring in for work from home, among them administrative, engineering, government, and human resources.
Because you’re not commuting, it is easier to live a healthier life. You have more time to exercise since you’re not commuting. You can stock healthy meals for snacks and lunch at home.
You’re not fighting traffic in the commute, so you’re way less stressed.
Working from home is a great way to achieve that work-life balance you’ve been wanting.
You’re not on the road so you’ve got more time for personal development, and time with family & friends. You get to spend break time with your family; You can fit in household duties or errands at break & lunch time.
Another one of the benefits of working from home is you’ll have personal privacy and more focus. Because you control your environment, you won’t be interrupted as much and your focus will be better on short and long-term projects.
Working from home is couple and family friendly. Since work from home can be anywhere, if your mate’s job calls for a relocation, it doesn’t affect your job. If you both work from home, then you don’t have to uproot the kids every few years to move for your job.
When you’re ready to scale back and spend the winters in warmer weather, you can keep your job and log in from sunnier skies.
Who doesn’t want to save money! Here’s a big benefit -you may be able to deduct some of the cost of your home office space on your taxes.