10 benefits of a practice focused LLM dissertation? ??
Your academic guidance notes will suggest that you choose your dissertation topic carefully. They will recommend you choose a subject that you are passionate about.
Your law dissertation is also a tool that you can use for a lot of other important tasks, once you complete your course. Your task is to make your law dissertation work for you in as many ways as possible by having more than one purpose. ?
Today students are much more astute in using their time, hard work and intelligence to upcycle their practice-focused law dissertation to have more than one purpose. ??
?? 10 uses for your law dissertation
1. It may form the basis of HIGHER ACADEMIC STUDY, for example, further masters or doctoral level legal study.
2. It may be RELEVANT TO A FUTURE PRACTICE-FOCUSED LAW COURSE. For example, an advanced professional course or specialist accreditation.
3. It may be RELEVANT TO FUTURE EMPLOYMENT. You may use it to distinguish yourself from other job applicants and/or as a point of discussion at future job interviews to suggest you may be ahead of other candidates when it comes to future training.
4. You may wish to use your law dissertation as RESEARCH FOR A FUTURE BUSINESS VENTURE. How many billionaires started their dot.com companies after an idea at university developed into viable business? Do you have a new App idea for providing legal services?
5. If your dissertation also covers a topic that relates to a hobby or special interest, you may use it to enhance your REPUTATION AS AN EXPERT in that field. For example, you may be studying law and have an interest in photography, wildlife and travel. Could a law dissertation combining your academic subject and hobbies be used to help you build a portfolio for your photography and international travel by creating a specialist blog or resource?
6. Your law dissertation may be TURNED INTO A RESOURCE SUCH AS A BOOK which you self-publish or submit for academic PUBLICATION. You may make your book freely available to the public by open publishing. How great would it be to turn your first dissertation into a book or resource that worked for you?
7. Form the basis for FUTURE COLLABORATION in the academic or non-academic context. Many people use their social media or printed work as their business cards. Your dissertation may tell people something about you. People with similar interests reach out and make connections and form collaborations with people because of what they see, hear or read.
8. Form the basis for SETTING UP A NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANISATION, CHARITY OR SOCIAL ENTERPRISE. Today people do not wait for others to set up social enterprises where they feel there is a lack of resources. Your research could help you and others to understand, prepare and devise new social enterprises to meet community needs. For example, an advice centre or pro bono organisation.
9. Use it to SET UP A NEW NGO, NETWORK, CAMPAIGN OR LOBBY GROUP with people that share an interest in your area of law to help campaign for a change in legislation, highlight judicial decisions or seek to establish new rights – for example, a community legal action group-the list of groups is endless.
10. Finally, you could do NONE OF THE ABOVE, simply produce your law dissertation and then put it in a drawer and never look at it again!
Prospective employers are looking for candidates that show academic ability, engagement and ability to stand out from the crowd. Your practice-focused dissertation can be your way of showing that you stand out from the crowd. ?
Your task is to make your law dissertation work for you in as many ways as possible. ?? ? ??
This is an extract from “LLM Dissertation How to Maximise Marks for a Practice Focused LLM Dissertation” by Suzanne Reece. Available on Amazon https://amzn.to/2BIlQSB.