10 Advance Excel functions that you should consider learning:
Charu Kumar Mathur
Founder of EmpoWiz Solutions | Digital Educator & Community Service Advocate | Empowering Through Digital Literacy & Skill Development
As a professional, mastering advanced Excel functions can significantly enhance your productivity and analytical capabilities.
Let's Check it out
1. XLOOKUP Function:
*A refined version of VLOOKUP, available in Excel 2021 and Excel for Microsoft 365.
*Scans a list of values and returns corresponding values from the same row or column.
*Useful for dynamic lookups and data retrieval.
Video Links:
2. INDEX / MATCH Function:
*A powerful alternative to VLOOKUP. (VlookUp Video Link: https://youtu.be/WDDneVUhu1Q)
*Combines the INDEX function (to find the position) with the MATCH function (to locate the value).
*Ideal for two-dimensional lookups.
Video Links
Advance Function "Xlookup"
3.SUMPRODUCT Function:
*Calculates the sum of products of corresponding array elements.
*Useful for weighted averages, matrix operations, and complex calculations.
Note: Video will soon Upload on Channel.
*SUMIF and COUNTIF: Sum or count values based on a single condition.
*SUMIFS and COUNTIFS: Sum or count values based on multiple conditions.
Video Links
Sum Functions related
Sumif and SumIfs https://youtu.be/a4yKz6NS5vQ
Countif and Countifs https://youtu.be/22wiCpug7oA
Unique and count https://youtu.be/O5wDdN5I7Do
5. FILTER Function:
*Returns an array based on specified criteria.
*Useful for dynamic data extraction.
Video Links
(Advance) Slicer: https://youtu.be/0PksN6siZuU, https://youtu.be/9sinGATXvPs
6. SORT & SORTBY Function:
*Sorts data in ascending or descending order.
*SORTBY sorts data based on another array or range.
Video Links:
7. UNIQUE Function:
*Extracts unique values from a list.
*Great for creating unique lists or removing duplicates.
Video Links
8. TEXTJOIN Function:
*Concatenates text from multiple cells with optional delimiters.
*Useful for creating custom labels or combining data.
Note: I will upload video soon
9. IFS Function:
*Evaluates multiple conditions and returns different results based on the true condition.
*A versatile alternative to nested IF statements.
Video Links:
If Error https://youtu.be/i7vsgjO4n0Q
Excel Error https://youtu.be/gGTdZMtuqLY
Vlookup & IF https://youtu.be/_XEWA9eizJ4
10. SEQUENCE Function:
*Generates a sequence of numbers.
Video links
Additional Video Recommendations
1.Image Background remove in MS office
2. Power Query
3. Find and Remove Duplicates
4. Left, Right and Mid Function
5. Pivot Table
For Such Videos, Please visit my Youtube channel
Link is here, EmpoWiz Offical - YouTube
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