10 1/2 things you can do this year to bring back the "normal"
The pandemic has wreaked havoc on the food and beverage industry. There are a lot of over-worked, stressed-out people right now. Many places are understaffed. Some establishments have had to shorten their hours of operation, cut valued employees, or even worse - close their doors.?
As a result, the employees that are still around have been putting in a lot of hours and working harder than ever to cover the expectations of the customer. They are stressed, they are tired, and they are ready for a change.
People keep asking, “When are things going to get back to normal?”
Some say, “This is the new normal.”
Either way, what we all need to understand is that whether this is the new normal or not, we need to adjust our plans for the future - right now.?
There’s an old saying, sometimes called the “Serenity Prayer,”? that says:
??“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” - Reinhold Niebuhr?
We need to follow Niebuhr’s advice. We have to understand and accept that there are things we cannot change, e.g. - getting rid of the pandemic, adding more employees, or filling up our tables every night. But there are some things we can do as a starting point to get back the customers and employees.
I came up with a list of things that you can change this year to help turn things around. In addition to those 10 things, I’m going to add a final suggestion - so I’m calling it, “The 10 ? things you can do this year to bring back the normal.”?
Today I’m going to talk about attitude and reviews.
1 - Attitude
One of the hardest things to do when you’re tired and stressed is acting like you’re happy. If I don’t get enough sleep, or work longer than I normally do, my fuse burns fast. I’m grumpy, easily agitated, and don’t have patience for anything.?
I think that’s true for most people. For example, my kids are crazy the next day if they go to bed late. And forget about having a rational conversation with them if dinner is late by more than a half-hour - Holy HANGRY (hungry AND angry)!
This is also true for many adults.
As a former waiter, bartender, and restauranteur, I know there is one thing that is unavoidable - serving a grumpy customer. We had these people before 2020, and (unfortunately) we’ll have them in the future.
Being nice to those customers is almost impossible, especially when you’re in a bad mood too. But we still do it.?
Because of integrity.
“Others determine your reputation, but only YOU determine your integrity.” - Tony Dungy
We do what’s right even when we don’t want to. We treat them how we expect to be treated. We want our customers to have a good experience. We want our business to succeed. Mostly we do it because it’s the right thing to do.
Chances are, those grumps are still going to be nasty even if things do get back to normal.
As I mentioned before, there are a lot of things in life that can’t be helped.?
But… attitude is one of the few things that you can control.
When you wake up in the morning you have a decision to make. Are you going to be in a good mood or not. You can choose your mood for the day.?
This attitude carries over to other people. It spreads. When someone smiles at you, don’t you smile back? When someone tells a good joke, doesn’t it make you laugh?
The way you act around people can make a huge difference. It can determine whether or not they will be in a good mood, tip well, or even become a returning customer.
Here are some tips on having a positive attitude that I picked up from a former football coach of mine, Mike Emmendorfer. He suggests that a proper beginning to your day and mental toughness can help you find that happy place:
Have that good attitude. People will enjoy themselves around you. They will remember how you made them feel. That good feeling and positive attitude will translate into a good reputation and help fill your chairs at work.?
2 - Reviews
Business owners don’t always offer their customers a chance to submit suggestions or reviews. Maybe they are afraid of what they might see - especially if those reviews are online!?
You might think, “Holy Googlesnort! Everyone can see what they write - including potential customers! Why would I do that to myself?”
Don’t be afraid of them! Reviews are a great way to gauge how you’re doing. Even if they are bad reviews, they can help you in the long run.
If you are doing everything you can to meet your customers' expectations (remember? - integrity?), most of your reviews will be positive. But even when you are giving it everything you have (and more), sometimes those bad reviews still come in.
Sometimes customers expect perfection - and we all know that’s not possible. Sometimes people are just jerks and they like to complain about everything.
But then there are some complaints that are legitimate - these are the “bad reviews” that can help you.
Some mistakes are made honestly so those will be easy to overcome. Sometimes it has to do with improper training (also easy to overcome). And then there are those employees that have less integrity than they should and take shortcuts - or serve something that isn’t up to your business standards.?Reviews will catch those issues.
As we all know, managers can’t always see everything. Maybe you’re watching your kitchen, but your servers are making mistakes - or the other way around. Maybe your host is rude or isn’t trained properly. Maybe you didn’t realize that the men’s restroom is dirty or the outside trash can is overflowing.
Whatever the complaint is, take the time to respond to your customers. Take ownership of everything, good or bad. If you made a mistake, apologize - or better yet, thank them for bringing it to your attention or thank them for being patient, and assure them that you are taking the proper steps to correct the issue.
But be genuine! I can't stress this enough. People can usually tell if you're disingenuous or patronizing them. And that definitely won't be good for your reputation.
In today’s world, everyone appreciates transparency. It’s a great way to connect with your customers and improve your public image.?That doesn't mean you should tell them about your health issues or that you lost sleep taking care of a sick kid (unless they were already your friend, they won't care). People don't want excuses. Instead, take ownership of the issue, thank them for their business, and briefly explain how you are going to fix it.
Also, you don’t have to wait for those reviews to come in. Be proactive. Ask your customers questions on a regular basis. If not you, appoint someone to walk around to all of the tables and ask assessment questions directly and professionally.
You could print small cards with specific questions on them to hand out. There are even websites where you can create a free QR code. (Those are the small boxes that people can scan with their smartphones.) It will take you directly to a questionnaire, your website, or whatever you want your customer to see. Print the QR code, or an easy-to-remember link to your website, on each receipt.
Social Media is another great way to get an honest response too. Don’t just use social media for advertising or posting pictures. People feel braver online than they do in person. So take advantage of that and ask questions - but be ready for brutal honesty!
Attitudes are contagious - good or bad. So choose to be in a good mood and spread the fun. When you do, you might be surprised to find more positive reviews and many more returning customers.
Next week I'll dive into 3 - Online Presence and 4 - Marketing.
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My name is Mike Graham and I’m a professional typewriter.?
Yes, you read that right, “typewriter.”?
Find out how I became known as a typewriter instead of a copywriter - see the about section on my website.?
If you want to spread the word about your business, check out my online card, or visit Word of Mike, and schedule a 17-minute FREE non-decision-making, information-exchange meeting where I will bring value to your time regardless of whether you hire me or not.
We’ll discuss some of your goals and design a plan to make positive things happen!