1 Way to Conquer Beginner Blogger Obstacles

(Updated 10–15–2022)

Being a beginner blogger feels promising but scary.

Freedom awaits. Pro blogging careers beckon. Circling the globe while working from the comfort of your temporary home on your terms becomes possible, probable and seemingly, a certainty after you take that first step.

But all manner of obstacles pop up on your new blogger journey.

New blogger obstacles feel insurmountable in some regards. How can you get connected? How will people find your blog? What can you do to be discovered?

Following one simple tip helps you conquer any new blogger obstacle.

Visualize your dreams.

Imagine your life as you wish it to be. Picture the loftiest version of your human experience. Use your mind power to lay the foundation for your blogging campaign. Lay out a clear blogging path by seeing in your mind where you’d like to be.

Seeing your dreams in vivid detail injects your being with love and dissolves fears that create blogging obstacles. Every blogging obstacle is fear in your mind. Dissolve fears in your mind to dissolve obstacles into opportunities for growth. Facilitate this process by setting aside time to picture your dreams in detail. Add as many details to your mental picture as possible. Allow the image to feel real. Become emotionally involved with the picture, in a loving, calming way.

Visualizing dissolves fears creating obstacles. Becoming emotionally involved with your vision stirs love up in your being. Love dissolves fear. The split second you shift from fear to love you see and seize opportunities to conquer blogging obstacles. Conquering blogging obstacles involves seeing and seizing opportunities amid obstacles. For example, if you fear not having connections as a new blogger, deciding to visualize your dreams dissolves the fears holding you back from engaging in genuine blogger outreach. Engaging in genuine blogger outreach helps you to get connected. Being connected as a new blogger makes your blogging life easier and easier.

Give yourself time to see your dreams or else you will be bullied by circumstances.

Give yourself time to see your dreams or else you will be bullied by circumstances. Click To Tweet

Most human beings live a “same shit, different day” life because most human beings deliberately choose to picture the same circumstances daily. Picturing the same circumstances guarantees that you experience the same circumstances. Why? Life is mind. Your human experience mirrors your mind back to you.

Have you ever noticed how iconic entrepreneurs are referred to as “visionaries”? A visionary is a fancier word for dreamer. Icons like Bezos, Musk and Branson visualize/dream their life in detail far more clearly and frequently than the rest of humanity. When Amazon experienced $2.1 billion of long term debt, Bezos and his vision of Amazon’s greatness carried him and the company through this obstacle. If he focused on the debt and fears associated with being 2 billion dollars in the hole, he would quit. Instead, he dreamed the spectacular, freeing vision of Amazon yielding service and value for humanity to carry him through this obstacle. In 2021, Amazon had a market cap of $1.65 trillion. Having a vision impelled him to work generously, intelligently and to build a team around him to allow Amazon to manifest.

Visualize Persistently

Be a dogged visualizer.

Obstacles — created via the ego — do their best job to derail you from your dream blogging life.

As a practical example, imagine if you have only a few hundred bucks to spare for your blogging budget. Investing that money for your annual domain and hosting feels terrifying for vision-less bloggers living in survival mode. But creating a vision of your dream blogging life reveals how investing money in a domain and hosting is one required step to going pro and living your dreams.

Visualizing puts each step into the proper perspective. Dreaming pulls you out of survival mode into thriving mode.

In essence, dreaming your ideal blogging life allows you to hop scotch over blogging obstacles. In one moment you feel terrified to buy your domain and hosting for the year; an obstacle arises because you do not appear to have enough money for the investment. Imagining your dream blogging life dissolves the fear, dissipates the obstacle and lets you realize that taking this non-negotiable step is not money-loss but an investment-gain in blogging:

The imagination allows you to conquer any newbie blogger obstacle.

But you need to exercise it frequently to benefit from this astounding mental faculty.


I recorded a video to stress this point.

Visualize Your Dreams as a New Blogger

Video Transcript

If you don’t visualize your dreams, you focus on just trying to make enough to pay your bills or to get by. This ensures that you’ll do silly stuff from an energy of fear, like spamming or scamming or looking for shortcuts. See your dreams regularly. Step into your mental picture to make your dreams come alive. When you do this regularly guys, you emotionally and energetically feel like the person that lives their dreams now, before you live your dreams in the future. It’s pretty cool to embody this concept. Plus this means you’ll blog patiently, generously and intelligently and you’ll also learn blogging from the top pros.

Originally published at https://www.bloggingfromparadise.com on October 15, 2022.


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