The #1 Thing that Helps Generate More Revenue
So many marketers are leaving money on the table by NOT doing this…
It’s insane.
And It doesn’t matter what industry or niche you’re in…
How long you’ve been in “the game” for…
Or how well you “think” you know the market…
This ONE thing was the “80/20” force in how I was able to generate over 1M+ for one of my Biz-Opp clients in less than 6 months back when I had an ad agency
Back in mid-2018…
I was brought in to help write an entire funnel for a heavy-hitter in the Biz-Opp/Real Estate niche, from scratch.
… Long-form sales page.
… Emails.
… Upsells.
… Bridge page.
… Social Content.
… And more.
But before I was to get started on any of it…
There was ONE thing I needed to do.
Something that would absolutely make or break this project.
Something I strongly suggest ALL marketers do before sitting down to write a single word of copy…
… Or waste another second of researching public comments or reviews (which I still did afterwards, and I suggest you do too).
This ONE thing I’m talking about?
Getting on the phone with your client’s customers (ONE-ON-ONE).
It’s so simple.
Yet so many marketers IGNORE this, because most writers/marketers are lazy…
… Conversation avoidant.
… Or after a quick one-off cash grab.
Which is unfortunate.
Because it’s costing you more and more sales everyday that you don’t.
And not just getting on the phone with one, two, or three buyers… But several.
Because what you’re after is a PATTERN.
… A pattern of what they say.
… Where they are/were.
… Where they want to go (and the feeling they want when they get there).
… Why they want to get there.
… The feelings they felt when they bought.
… Their pains, struggles, hopes, dreams, and so on.
All of which is FIRE POWER for your message.
Whether it’s through ads, email, or sales video – you will speak their language.
You’ll explain their problems better than they can themselves.
And you’ll know the exact outcome they want to achieve and why they want to get there.
But in order to REALLY KNOW what that is for your prospects… you have to ask the right questions.
Which is why I’m going to give you a list, right now, of 8 questions you can ask your buyers today (I use these myself):
BONUS:?Aladdin's lamp – “you have aladdin's lamp and a genie pops out, what do you want? You dream scenario. What is it. tell me.”
Don’t pass this up.
I thought I knew exactly what the Biz-Opp market wanted before doing this…
But turns out, it goes WAY deeper than I assumed.
In fact, I pretty much had my entire funnel written for me after having several of these conversations with previous buyers.
… I knew exactly what my lead was going to be.
… Big promises to make them.
… Pain points I was going to hit on.
… Core benefits and fascinations to showcase.
… Key objections to raise and eliminate (and in what order).
… Feelings I wanted them to experience throughout the funnel.
… Dream outcome they desire in their hearts.
… Time and effort it would take to get there.
… Platforms and channels to double down on.
… And why we're the best people to help them do it over others.
But the important thing was to create a SAFE SPACE (one-on-one) for them to express these true feelings and experiences with your business.
If you can do that, I think you’ll be shocked to hear what they have to say – both good and bad.
But both, in-turn will help your business in the long-run.
As they say… You WIN or LOSE in the research.
And knowing your audience is KEY.
So going the extra mile here in the research phase can set you miles apart from other marketers and competitors out there.
Give it a shot, and let me know how it goes!
Stoked for ya,
– A
Here’s a small list of notes from ONE of the calls (20-min) I took before starting this project:
Comment below if this was helpful!
Business Owner at TKT home made mosla products
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