There will be certain stuff you’re avoiding right now in your business, life and finances. I can GUARANTEE it because we all do it on some level till we become aware of the truth.
I don’t know exactly what is it for you but here’s a list of common ones:
-Managing / facing finances.
-Following through with your daily business actions.
-Learning the new skills that will help you grow.
-Your morning routine.
-Admitting you SUCK at something.
-Telling yourself you’re doing better than you actually are.
-Stuck learning / following instead of being / doing - PROCRASTINATION
-Avoiding being PROACTIVE and putting yourself out there
-Escaping through addictive tendencies - could be alcohol, porn or Facebook scrolling due to frustration with the SELF
The list could go on my friend and I’ve been hostage to all of them so don’t worry you’re not alone, you’ve just got to become aware of it and face your shit head on. The BIG game changer so you have to look in the mirror daily is:
Daily / Weekly / Monthly / 90 day planning system
When you have this in place, you start to realise that you SUCK at planning and this is where most people give up because they don’t want to face the harsh reality of asking themselves tough questions on a daily basis.
You want to figure out on a daily basis (weekends included):
-Where you were uncomfortable in the day
-What went right (your wins)
-Where you need support
But the HARSH reality is most people will not face their SHIT head on and go inward. This is why MEDITATION is KEY in your journey. As this is a tool to help you become more present in your day and it will help you quieting down your monkey mind.
And when that happens, you can see more clearly and you will have access to the real answers rather than LYING to yourself on a daily basis.
You’re probably sitting there reading this frustrated as hell but not willing to FACE it, this leads to you dicking around from coach to coach and from idea to idea.
This is NOT an attack, this is a wake up call. No judgments as I’ve done ALL of this and more. But as a mentor / coach I am always willing to be real, transparent and face my shit head on so I actually learn from it.
You’re NOT alone……
So, stop being scared to ask for help. You’ll be amazed at how many people WANT to help you right now and I can guarantee that what you’re hiding from is affecting your business, especially across these areas:
-Daily productivity.
-Clarity on where you’re going.
-Clarity on what you want to deliver.
-Your lead generation
-Audience / authority building
-Your sales
-Your own mindset
You’re dabbling in and out, therefore you settle for the old and fall backwards instead of moving forwards in the direction of your dreams. Stop judging yourself against the highlight reels on Facebook.
NO-ONE has all their shit figured out, and anyone who says they do are lying to themselves. Focus on YOURSELF and consistently figuring out what your strengths / weaknesses are so you can then focus on your strengths, work on your weaknesses and eventually OUTSOURCE your weaknesses.
This is another amazing thing that happens when you commit to daily planning and facing your shit. You identify the areas that you should outsource later down the line in your business so you can FOCUS on your strengths.
Have I convinced you yet….?
Now, it’s time for you to LEARN and face your shit head on. Here to support you my friend….
I am running a low investment BETA group which the main focus is around creating a FREE lead generation system for you so you have a solid foundation in this part of your business.
The system I am going to teach you is the one I used to generate 6 figures from without spending any money on ad’s or building fancy funnels. This will serve you for YEARS & YEARS to come if you stay persistent with it.
You invest 6 - 10 hours in setting it up and 30 - 90 minutes per day maintaining it. You don’t want to put all your EGGS in one basket and I believe in having a bread and butter to fuel your business.
Don’t allow EGO to come in and feed you some bullshit, get your head down and put in the work, then you will reap the rewards - if you don’t you’ll make the same mistakes I have and lose a SHIT load of money.
If you’re interested, reach out and we will set up a quick networking call to see if you’re actually ready to deploy this in your business. My diary is FULL this week, so it will be Thursday next week that we actually connect.
Shoot me a message my friend.
Oh, and I will also be chucking in some bonuses for you and one of them is teaching you the above….(and so much more).
I am here to SERVE you and make your life easier…
Speak soon :)
Scott :)