1. Spark curiosity
Steve Roberts
Footprint Interpretation Design Consultant. Wildlife illustrator. Interpretation lead for Cotswold Canals Connected.
When I break it down, there are five things I have always sought to achieve through my own illustrative/design work and through the creation and development of Stroud Nature.
- Spark curiosity
- Invite exploration
- Celebrate discovery
- Provide inspiration
- Promote ownership and action
Spark curiosity
We use all of our senses when we explore the natural world. That is how we immerse ourselves in it. No one sense gives us the total experience. If we don’t stay tuned to all of the things going on around us, we may lose our sense of curiosity altogether. Then we will cease to explore, discover, wonder, enjoy and care about nature.
Understanding that many people do not access nature very often, some never at all, we need to be able to fire their curiosity when and whenever we can.
There can be few greater joys than the looks of awe and wonder on the faces of our children when they discover something new. Curiosity can be infectious - when the child is curious, we should seek to help them find the answers. We too can then be inspired by the wonderful things around us.
Stay curious. Keep looking and asking. Only by doing so will you really discover the wonders on your doorstep. Turn over that stone, take a closer look at that blob on the leaf, look closely at the flower heads in your garden. what made that splash in the brook, what is that shuffling sound among the leaves, what is that unfamiliar bird?
Photos: Steve Roberts and Deborah Roberts
'Invite exploration' to follow