The #1 Reason Successful Women Keep Winding Up in Toxic Relationships (and work environments)
Even if they've had many years of therapy and "should" know better.
Maybe you’re dreading EVERYDAY since leaving your Ex.
Maybe your career is a welcome escape so you’re not constantly thinking about him…
(Even though your performance at work is slipping because of your internal distractions).
Maybe right now, you’re wondering how DID I WIND UP in ANOTHER dysfunctional relationship?
I know you didn’t plan on this being your life right now.
And it’s not your fault either.
The truth is many high performing successful women with unhealed trauma - can “look” put together and successful on the outside….
But on the inside, feel like a failure. Especially after another failed relationship.
Case in point:
Many women we work with walked down the aisle KNOWING it was a mistake...but endured a toxic marriage because she didn't want to be seen as a failure.
Many clients also tolerate ho-hum careers that pay well and look good on paper, but don't give her ANY real sense of passion or fulfillment.
Many high performing women believe that if they just WORK HARDER and convince themselves of the positives that the relationship will work...
Or that her career will get better...
She fears failure if she were to leave what she knows.
Living your life fearing failure and tolerating low quality relationships LEADS TO FAILING.
Your fear of failure may lead to more toxic relationships...or being so emotionally shut down that you avoid love entirely.
Because you don't want to fail again.
But this fear of failure is just a symptom of the REAL PROBLEM.
The REAL PROBLEM is unhealed trauma.
Unhealed childhood trauma (or narcissistic trauma from your Ex) will create what I call your “inner light dimmer”.
Your inner light dimmer, is this small part of your psychology…your inner child that stops you from success and love.
Your inner light dimmer is the part of you that doesn’t feel SAFE with happiness, love or success.
Because all the times you DID feel happy in your past relationships, the rug was ripped out from underneath your feet.
You normalized walking on eggshells.
You learned that happiness never lasted. And that you always were waiting for the next shoe to drop.
THIS PATTERN will follow you around. And ruin your life.
I know that sounds dramatic.
But after working with many high achieving women over the last 5 years who’ve had years of talk therapy…
Who’ve switched careers…
Who’ve taken years off dating after a divorce…
Only to STILL wind up in toxic relationships and low quality work environments…
It’s the harsh reality because they’re not HEALING THE ROOT CAUSE of this pattern: trauma.
But it requires evidence based work to rewire your brain and body out of trauma.
You have to work a proven mind-body healing plan to rewire yourself from “feeling like a failure” to feeling SAFE TO RECEIVE LOVE, BE HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL.
This is one of the BIG cornerstones of our work here in Break the Cycle - our 16-week trauma recovery and coaching container for high performing women seeking to heal her dysfunctional patterns in love, heal her anxiety and isolation, workaholism …
And feel AT PEACE, CALM, happy and reach her love life and career goals.
Along with giving you a daily somatic therapy protocol to rewire you out of “fight or flight mode”...
We help you gain crystal clarity on YOUR SPECIFIC mental health, career and love life goals and give you an action plan to follow EVERY WEEK to reach these goals.
You’ve likely been so focused on taking care of everyone else that setting high goals may scare you…because subconsciously you don’t believe it’s possible.
So we work with you closely each week to rewire your “inner light dimmer” who may try to sabotage you as you transform your life.
Many women stay stuck because her inner light dimmer is in charge. But this doesn’t need to be the case.
There IS A WAY OUT. But it requires commitment.
You have to be ready to do the REAL INNER & OUTER WORK. Not just “talk about it.”
If you’re a single, career-driven woman ready to transform your life after narcissistic trauma, book a free initial call to see if we can help you ( rediscover your joy for life and become the BEST version of you after your Ex.