The 1 Principle You Need To Make Your Marketing Succeed
This is a very quick lesson which you'll find useful.
It's not to throw more money at the problem.
It's not to go to the newest shiny object.
And it's not because you're not working hard enough.
The key to making your marketing successful is simple:
Marketing is not a quick fix to making money.
It's quite the opposite.
For your marketing to be successful, you need to accommodate all your prospects.
Now, what do I mean by this?
Let me use an easy example to illustrate my point.
Let's say you're selling a weight loss program.
Your offer is compelling:
Lose 8 Kilos in 12 weeks without breaking a single sweat...
Or your money back!
Something like that.
You know this is the kind of offer that would make your market drool in anticipation.
You've done all your market research, you know exactly what they want and what their biggest pain is.
You've paid a lot of money for advertising on social media and have built up a list of 100,000 people.
Not bad at all.
You start emailing but nothing happens.
Where did you go wrong?
You just need to keep emailing.
Be patient.
You see, there are many people in a market.
There are people who are aware they have a problem, they know about your solution and are desperate to solve it.
These people will be your most eager buyers.
Then there are people who are aware they have a problem, but aren't too familiar with you yet.
These people need to trust you to buy from you.
The next group aren't even aware they have a problem and definitely don't know who you are.
These are the people you need to lure into your funnel over time.
So, I've explained the different stages of market awareness.
What should you do about it?
You need to build a relationship with them all.
The easiest way to do this is by writing emails to them.
Segment them into different sections of your list based on the actions they take.
And keep at it forever.
If you do this, your marketing efforts will never fail.
Success will be inevitable.
Because the truth is, persistence pays.
This isn't just a marketing lesson.
Persistence is a principle that will carry you anywhere in life.
Some of the most accomplished people on the planet are not talented, they are persistent.
Jeff Bezos isn't talented, but he was willing to sacrifice for decades to build Amazon into what it is today.
Kobe Bryant wasn't the most talented player on his high school team.
But he became obsessed and practiced so much that within a year he was by far the best player there.
You need to have the same mindset to win at marketing.
The best copy in the world will not resurrect a dead email list.
But the worst copy in the world will work on an email list which is mailed often.
There are so many businesses out there who are awful when it comes to copywriting.
They don't get any of the fundamentals right and yet still find success.
Because they're consistently sending emails to their list.
They're asking for the order.
Persistence is something that will get your incredible results.
Add patience to the mix and you'll change your life.
This is the key to marketing success.
I hope you found this valuable.
If you want help with making your marketing successful, send me a message at Finlay Godfrey