1-Minute Healthcare News Today—March 13, 2023

1-Minute Healthcare News Today—March 13, 2023

In April, British Columbia will provide spring booster doses to older persons and immunocompromised adults at risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes, public health officials announced on Friday. Read here.

The U.S. looks to have survived its first winter without a huge COVID-19 surge. Researchers told ABC News that higher immunity, better treatments, less severe infections, and more people following mitigation measures likely contributed. Read here.

Meanwhile, unregulated amphetamines and crystal meth are driving up emergency department visits in Ontario. According to a new Canadian Journal of Psychiatry study, amphetamine- and methamphetamine-related ED visits increased from 233 in 2003 to 4,146 annually by 2020. Continue reading here.

The rapid spread of avian influenza among Europe's chicken flocks has started to slow down. Still, cases might rise once more as springtime migration of wild birds approaches, the European Food Safety Authority warned on Monday. Continue reading here.

Lastly, Pfizer announced Friday that the FDA has cleared its fast-acting nasal spray for migraines. In July 2023, Pfizer projected Zavzpret to be available in pharmacies. Learn more here.



