1-Minute Healthcare News Today—January 23, 2023

1-Minute Healthcare News Today—January 23, 2023

Did you know there’s a? ‘silent’ cancer symptom you can spot in your back? Many individuals suffer from back pain, usually caused by how they sit or exert themselves during activity.? However, the NHS warns that lower back pain might be a quiet symptom of cervical cancer. Read here.?

Meanwhile, the majority of Americans (57%) think the government should guarantee everyone in the country access to medical care. Despite this, roughly the same proportion (53%) would rather have private insurance than a government-run healthcare system in the United States. In a report, the results are consistent since 2015.

Concern about COVID-19 is warranted for many reasons, but here's one more: In pregnant women who transmit the virus to their unborn offspring, it has been detected in embryonic brain tissue.?

This illness is a concern for its consequences on our bodies and its repercussions on the bodies of developing infants. Continue reading here.

In relation to that, recent research has demonstrated that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection can cause cardiac symptoms to last for months, and even years, after the initial infection. Symptoms like chest pain, inflammation of the heart, and irregular heartbeats are common. Read here.?

Lastly, Stanford Medicine researchers have demonstrated that a single drop of blood can measure thousands of chemicals, some of which are health signs.?

The new method combines a microsampling device with "multi-omics" technologies, which examine a wide range of proteins, lipids, metabolic byproducts, and inflammatory indicators at the same time. Read more here

What better way to start a Monday morning than to read the latest news in the healthcare industry? Make sure to check in tomorrow for your daily dose of fresh healthcare information.



