1-Minute Healthcare News Today—January 2, 2022

1-Minute Healthcare News Today—January 2, 2022

Will 2023 be the year COVID-19 becomes endemic in Canada?

Report said that declaring or concluding that a virus is endemic is not a simple or well-defined process.

However, if such a proclamation is made in Canada this year, several infectious disease experts are worried about how this could impact people's attitudes and behaviours toward the virus.

Ontario pharmacists can now prescribe treatment for thirteen common diseases, but not all Ottawa pharmacies claim to be prepared for the new responsibilities. While many pharmacies wish to offer the service, some feel unprepared. Read more here.

Meanwhile, a recent study accounting for the impact under various preventive and control levels offers preliminary evidence of the long-term association between preventative methods and influenza transmissions in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first study of its kind was released in the Science Partner Journal of Health Data Science. Read more here.

Interestingly, the autopsy of a covid patient reveals the spread of disease throughout the body, including the brain.?

Researchers discovered that despite a "substantial viral burden," there was little injury to the infected brain tissues.? The report says that researchers are expanding their study in order to investigate the connection between widely infected tissues and long COVID.

If you are into weight loss this year and considering the popular intermittent fasting, here is something important that you should be aware of. Recent research published in the journal Eating Behaviors sheds light on the possible adverse effects of intermittent fasting.?

It was found to be associated with disordered eating behaviours in women, such as binge eating and compensatory behaviours, such as vomiting and compulsive exercise. Read more here.?

Start the year right on track by being aware of the latest and trending healthcare news today. See you again tomorrow, same time, for another dose of simplified health-related information, only here at HosTalky! #COVID19 #OntarioPharmacies #Pharmacyprescriptions #IntermittentFasting



