1-Minute Healthcare News Today—February 17, 2023
After several weeks of reduction, COVID-19 hospitalizations in British Columbia increased, whereas critical care patients fell 40%.?The B.C. Centre for Disease Control reported 193 cases of the virus in hospitals on Thursday.? The province's hospitalizations increased for the first time this year.
According to a new Lancet study, COVID-19 protection from prior infection lasts at least as long as immunization.? One of the biggest studies based on 19 countries indicated that "natural immunity" reduced hospitalization and death by 88% for ten months. Learn more here.
The WHO advises greater research into invasive fungal diseases on the recently discovered aspergillus infection mechanisms and treatments. But, Calgary and McGill universities have found why the immune system fails to combat the fungus. Read here.
At a time when the country is experiencing a severe medical shortage, thousands of Canadian-born doctors are working abroad, with little chance of them practicing here due to restrictions on foreign-trained professionals. Know more about what these restrictions are here.
Lastly, Alabama now has norovirus. One CDC-confirmed outbreak occurred in the state. CBS42 reported that the Alabama Department of Public Health anticipated winter outbreaks, but this stomach flu spread quickly.? Read here.
Let’s say hurray, Friday! We’ll see you again next week for another fresh and simplified healthcare news summary, only here at #HosTalky!