1-Minute Healthcare News Today—February 16, 2023
Ozempic, a life-saving diabetic medicine, is being used by people to lose weight. It's now found to be in scarce supply. Some of the rising demand appears to be driven by non-diabetic individuals who want lower waist sizes. Read here.
According to a study released Tuesday by experts at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, experimental contraceptive medicine successfully incapacitated sperm in male mice. This advances the development of a short-term, quick-acting male birth control pill. Learn more here.
Meanwhile, Moderna unexpectedly reversed course, declaring that the COVID-19 vaccination would stay free to all users "regardless of their ability to pay" just hours after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) vowed to question the company's CEO in a Senate hearing next month. Continue reading here.?
After a pandemic pause, federal health experts warned CBC News that the extremely contagious norovirus, which causes a horrible, days-long stomach disease, is rising in Canada. Read the report here.
Finally, a mental health assessment raises serious issues. The CDC's first juvenile risk behavior study, which analyzed actions from the fall of 2021, was published yesterday. It shows a worrisome trend in adolescent girls. Read here.
Where do you think healthcare is heading for the month of February? Well, it would be too soon to tell. So, make sure you tune in daily to HosTalky? ’s news summary for the latest healthcare news every day.