1-Minute Healthcare News Today—April 5, 2023

1-Minute Healthcare News Today—April 5, 2023

Mississauga confirmed avian flu cases after dead birds tested positive. According to a press release, the city has received multiple reports of sick or dead birds and is working with Public Health to assess the risk. Read here.

According to Dr. Peter Benoit, a public health doctor providing coverage for Southern Health, several illnesses are circulating in southern Manitoba. People of all ages have felt this increase in sickness, but it has been especially noticeable in schools. Continue reading here.

A toxic drug is making its way into the local drug supply, and it has no known antidote, according to the local health unit on Tuesday. Xylazine, or Tranq, is a "sedative drug used in veterinary medicine that is not currently approved for human consumption." Learn more here.

The University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) examined ChatGPT's "appropriateness" in answering 25 breast cancer prevention and screening questions. The AI model performed well and has great cancer prevention and screening potential. Continue reading here.

The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation and Technology discovered how an amino acid is linked to depression while studying neurotransmitters. The scientists are excited about their findings because they could help shape future depression treatment. Read here.



