1-Minute Healthcare News Today—April 13, 2023
The whooping cough outbreak declared by Alberta Health Services in the South Zone in January has spread. According to AHS, 114 cases of whooping cough have been identified, with a small number in the Central Zone. The majority of cases have involved children under the age of 18. Read here.
A rare fungal disease has sickened dozens of mill workers in Michigan. Since January, nearly 100 confirmed or probable cases of blastomycosis have been linked to the Billerud Paper Mill, according to health officials. Read here.
Meanwhile, Saskatchewan health officials are warning doctors to be on the lookout for tuberculosis in children as a handful of First Nations reserves experience an unusual increase in cases, a worrying trend also occurring in other parts of Canada. Learn more here.
The number of babies born in Canada with congenital syphilis is increasing faster than in the United States or Europe, with the majority of the increase concentrated in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Read here.
Lastly,?some telemedicine rules that were relaxed during the pandemic may be reimposed. Patients who were prescribed controlled substances during the pandemic would have to see a provider in person at least once in order to keep their prescriptions. Read here.