1 Million STRONG Keep Killing, Cancers Cannabis Science, July 8, 2022 Court Hearing
I have to Share this Conversation with the World. We have a Worldwide audience and Worldwide Support. This one is for you!
Here we go! From a shareholder who reads, there are a few btw ... quite a few, they are the ones who KNOW we are the Oppressed, we ALL are. One reason AND another. They also know, it will NOT STOP US. ONE Way or ANOTHER. Cheers to Cannabis Science Shareholders! Your Support is Proven, Tried, Tested, and TRUE. WE KEEP KILLING CANCERS, that is the Point.
Hi Raymond, I believe that if "the Truth be told properly" that the Plaintiffs will prevail. I have read the case files and Ordinance No. 4497. It is evident to me that they did not like American States University; probably only because of the fact that Internet Domain Name is AmericanStatesUniversity.com VS. AmericanStatesUniversity.edu; and they did everything in their power to stop the Grow; to include Illegal Search and Seizure. BTW, Ordinance No. 4497 Section 6 declares this Ordinance "EXEMPT From CEQA" [California Environmental Quality Act] BUT then they destroyed the 22,500 Hemp plants with their plastic wrappings by plowing them under the soil. "The land was left contaminated, poisoned and useless to the point where NO future organic crops can be planted." They deserve to be punished! God's speed to success Raymond. ...Frank?Show less
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Raymond C. Dabney?Thanks Francis! I'm glad you actually read through it. There is a lot more however, the points you make seem accurate for the horrible actions against us and our VALUE at that time, until now.
Yes, we are enduring the WORST time ever, all our SHARES, ALL our personal lives invested and affected, OUR Family and Friends invested and damaged.
HORRIBLE disgust and dis-trust as a result, no matter how LOUD we scream INNOCENT.
The DAMAGE has been done and has GROWN over the years. It has now infected our insides and protruding out.
We have done the BEST we can to keep it all together over the years and it's been 4-5 years now FIGHTING Off the defaming websites, MONSTERS inside and outside, VIRAL Infected MONSTERS who do NOT CARE anymore. THEY JUST WANT BLOOD ANY BLOOD even their own.
AND the list goes on and on.And that is on TOP of the added "other" injustices thrown at us ALL ALONG THE WAY and even before this and afterwards.
We got the ROYAL smear campaign, from all directions for 4-5 YEARS, NON STOP in order to hide their dirt and accumulated so many jealous monsters helping them along the way.
Such a HORRIBLE STORY, such a nightmare we are going through RIGHT NOW. THIS IS GOING TO BE A CRAZY CHAPTER in the Book and the MOVIE. I can't wait to see this part and the NEXT Chapter.
We are the ones about to go bankrupt, can't pay our bills to proceed and PROTECT ALL OF US because our own Shareholders believe the NASTY Jealous Monsters destroying and stealing our OWN Company right from under our noses.
THEY ARE BRAGGING ABOUT IT, laughing at us, all along the way. while I AM SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS for YEARS all the dirt they are doing to us and STOPPING US and yet we get blamed for their NASTY DIRT.
So, here we sit EVERYDAY @ 3-4-5am pounding my BRAIN with our closest partners all over the WORLD, how to fix this MESS, when all we NEED is MONEY.
I set up gofundme as the last public forum. You've seen all the other general public fundraising campaigns we started to fix this and let the general public know it is NOT US. Thinking it might bring the cash we need, unfortunately, it's nowhere near what is required.
ALL our Shareholders & Investors, it is like this:
1. CBIS Shares - (Current and Loyalty)
2. ENDO Shares - (Free Trading & 144)
3. CBIS Crypto - (Founders & Trading)
* ALL on ICE for the MOMENT due to extenuating LEGAL circumstances, our Court case can FIX ALL THIS getting back everything $$$.
* WIN OR LOSE in Court, all the other Companies will be included after the Audit. We have plenty of other WINS to get us there. OBVIOUSLY we can not just let INJUSTICE happen to us, and win, so we have to TURN AROUND and FIGHT for what is right, money or NOT.
Finally, our Court date:
July 8, 2022
As stated Guys we need YOUR HELP, right now!
We NEED to raise enough to cover everything, right now.
Whatever you send it all helps, right now, when we need it.
*** YOUR Money will get us there with the lawyers we need !
Thanks Guys.
I've setup that Calender again, I left it WIDE OPEN THIS TIME.
I will add my appointments as they come in. If you need a conversation OR to help out in a Larger way with a conversation.
*** CALL ME or email or Setup Calendar appointment to discuss.
*** OR just go ahead and use one of these, gofundme I think is the most popular and not sure it has no $$$ limits and has extra write off perks you need to read it. By Far most popular.
1. gofundme, I setup because it seem the most popular, they have fees and rules so unknown people can Trust us and what we say, they VET projects.
2. Our LNC credit card accounts, they all work, I think they go up to a couple thousand ($20.00) increments (QTY) needs to be changed this goes to us as well, for this one the ASU University endowment will file after things are fixed for their donation status so all funds received can eventually become a tax write, we need to file and get approved. I'm told we can do it so we will. This takes another year or so for filings and approvals. Once we are ready to file it.
3. Call me for Shareholder investment. I set up one more round, JUST FOR THIS COURT CASE. A Promissory note that will convert into a number of options that you can choose. Shares at discount, TV Show Credits, ASU Endowments, it will be your option at the time of conversion.
*** WE need this to Happen now Guys, especially if we want to WIN.
We are preparing right now, the BEST we can, we will NOT Stop and we will NOT FORGET ANYONE.
*** Please send money if you can, if NOT do not Worry, just please do not waste any time, we do NOT have time on our side.
We need the Money today, tomorrow, everyday till we make it Guys!
We are almost there!
*** IF you have ANY questions at all just set appointment and I will call.
Thanks again for ALL Your SUPPORT.
Your Moral Support means a lot, your Financial Support fixes our OPERATIONS to Succeed, and the New Friendships we have made through all this helps to fix our SOULS. We want to be Positive about Mankind and our Morals in General !!!
Thanks Guys!
Everyone can be Proud !!! YOU got us this FAR !!!
NOW, we are coming home.
Stay Safe and Strong!
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