1. The Journey
Ravi Dangwal
LinkedIn Top Voice for Organizational Development, Coaching & Mentoring, Servant Leadership | Performance Coach | Leadership Facilitator | Certified Workplace Learning Specialist | Author
Adapted from a self-help book, "The Winning Wheel"
We may be from a different city, state, or country but one common thing that we all have in our lives is the fact that we have all witnessed some or another form of change. We are all witness to a changing landscape and it’s not over yet. We as individuals have also changed as we added years to our life, and all this is inescapable. Our appreciation and preferences have changed over time and so have our goals and dreams. A ten-year-old boy's only dream is to get that new skateboard, while the same boy once grown-up has the ambition to kickstart his career and this same boy when in his 30's wants to grow in the career ladder of his organisation while in his 40's this very individual is so keen to be a caring parent. You may be male or female or transgender, but I am sure as you look back you can very well recollect your journey in a similar sequence. After all,
"Life is not about one goal achieved and game over".
How do we make this journey called life more fulfilling? If we stop seeing dreams or get scared of having dreams, then we are living like non-living. Please share your insight, comment, opinion on above