The #1 Feature Google Is Looking For That Ranks You Above Your Competition
Photo by Mo from Pexels

The #1 Feature Google Is Looking For That Ranks You Above Your Competition

Google Voice Search: Is Your Website Optimized?

In June and July 2021 Google updated for on page optimization, which is the NEW way search is conducted. We saw a lot of changes in the social channels and one thing that stood out was this:??

Most companies aren’t optimized for voice search.? In fact, I would go so far to say that your company isn’t optimized for voice search.?

A lot of people have built ranking and reputations on keywords, and while they still matter, on page optimization has to do with an experience not a search. And Google just showed their colors by demoting those pages that are only concerned with keywords.

So this idea that SEO is about keywords, it’s really not.

Let’s be honest, 100% of the time people assume they know what 100% of the other people whom they don’t know do, say, feel, and want.??

Truth is, you don’t know what you don’t know.?

A lot of companies spend a lot of money on hiring the most expensive SEO guru to tell them the same thing they’re witnessing on a daily basis when they’re with their teenagers.??

People don’t spend time typing anymore. Letter writing has been sequestered to companies that write a note for you (handwrytten), and writing a greeting card is now creating a meme video on jib jab and shooting it in a text or through whatsapp.?????

Is Your Website Optimized for Voice?

Here are 8 items that over 75% of the homes in the USA use on a daily basis whether it’s on a cell phone in their home or on a device in their home.? Your phone, TV, computer, tablet,? portable speaker, or any other device, all have the ability to search the internet through what you tell it to search.

  • Your Cell Phone: Google Search, Siri Search, Amazon Search
  • Google Home: Google Search
  • Amazon Echo/Alexa: Bing Search
  • Google Assistant: Google Search
  • iPhone/Siri: Safari Censored searches
  • Android phones and devices: Google Search
  • Microsoft Cortana: Bing Search
  • Chrome Voice Search extension?

Typed Google Search vs. Voice Activated Google Search

Typing it into your keyboard is quite different from searching for things using voice assistants.???

What does Google Voice Search look like…?

Here’s an example?

Typed on your computer keyboard:? “deep dish pizza in austin, texas"

Voice activated: “siri, find the best vegan or keto or gluten free deep dish pizza restaurant that’s open near me”?

With voice we’re much more specific because we’re looking at a specific time, in a specific neighborhood and for a specific place that we want to purchase from right away.

If your site isn’t optimized for the people who are looking for what you have, then you’re most likely going to miss out on getting that customer in your doors.

Here’s an even better example for real estate agents of someone looking for homes for sale:

Typed on your computer keyboard: "real estate for sale in austin, texas"

Voice activated: “siri find open houses near me” or “siri find open houses today in 78735”

When we use voice search, we're speaking in conversational language rather than search-engine language, so the computer has to be able to understand the context of what you're asking.

Google Voice Search and AI

The way we use the English language is complicated, and even though we have some killer AI,? it’s still not easy for machines to understand the meaning behind words (just think how many words have multiple meanings). Google has worked to update search specifically to solve this problem, with updates like Hummingbird and the new July Core Updates in 2021

This is the exact reason why you’re not able to stuff a bunch of keywords in your articles and skip down the yellow brick road to prosperity? That road was demolished and so are the results.? Google looks for a lot more than keywords now.? It’s 2021...not 1999.

Voice search focuses on experience and engagement, not on keywords.

Here are 5 ways to optimize your online presence for voice search

Way #1?Structured Data

Use structured data, e.g., a schema. ? Read my article here for a more in depth description of Schema?

Schema markups allow search engines to see the meaning and relationships behind entities mentioned on your site, the links you have and your social signals (e.g., social media). For this reason, schema markup is kinda important…like REALLY important.

Through schema markups you can show your audience that you are a trustworthy business.?

It is a great way to help search engines navigate your website and bring you more traffic from the display of special-search-engine-result cards.??

In fact 40 percent of voice search results are pulled from the featured snippet of schema markup.?

This means that the featured snippet plays a very important role as to what information will be shown in voice search, so it’s important to format your structured data correctly, not with some bunk generic wordpress plugin that is one-and-done b.s. That every other competitor has on their site.??

The Schema vocabulary includes formats for structuring data around all kinds of people, places and things on the web, but you really need to know how to write your schema for it to make sense to Google.?Relying on some software program to write your schema or you is what I refer to as "bunk schema" that Google overlooks.

Way #2 Optimize and Claim Your Google My Business Listing

People who search with voice are referred to as “hot” buyers.? They want information right now.? Know why?? Because they’re in the area or coming to your area and they want to walk their feet into your store and hand you some cash.

Voice is normally used to find out important details about your business, such as contact number, address, and opening hours, To raise the ranking of your business and the important details about it, Google must have accurate information on these details.

Also, GMB is used as a verification to what you’re listing on other websites, social platforms and in articles.? Giving accurate information - the same accurate information - again and again...makes it easier for Google to rank you.

Way #3 - Speed of your site load and being mobile friendly

Google penalizes you for not having a fast loading site so they look at 3 different metrics. So, what’s a fast loading metric???

  • The first metric calculates how long it takes the website to load its largest visible piece of content, such as an image, video or large block of text.
  • The second metric measures how quickly a website becomes responsive once the user navigates to it.
  • The third metric how much a website’s layout shifts during the page loading process.

So, yes, on page optimization is pretty freakin' important to Google and page load time is the first step to making your online presence optimized.

Way #4 - FAQ’s

People are asking questions when they search. They’re looking for an answer to their problem, or how to find something they want right away. Having a FAQ on your page can help you rank higher and faster, considerably.??

The key to having good SEO is to answer questions people are asking, and the first thing you need if you’re going to give someone answers is valuable content that answers the questions their asking in their voice.?

So how do you do this when you don’t even know who’s looking for what you have.

Answer: FAQs

When I get hired to help my clients rank, I use some ninja tactics on getting them ranked not just on page, but also how they look to the Google bot.? If you aren’t working with me, and decide to Fiverr gig your business then, here’s an idea.

Get a FAQ section on the first page of your site so you make that on page optimization evident on the front page.? Answer their questions, solve their pain points, give them band-aids to that iconic “bleeding neck” that Perry Marshall refers to and make it fun for them to read.?

The funner you make it.? The more fun they have.? Which means they stick around.?

Way #5 Optimize for conversations

Look at some of your favorite sites and see how they optimize for conversations.? How are they presenting what you buy from them on a regular basis and what makes you keep coming back? ? When you can answer this question for your potential customers your messaging will be read consistently. Messaging is key.

Getting Google To Rank You Faster

Look this isn't easy, and it's getting harder. Everyone is looking to "game" the system, and the more those games are won by Google the harder it makes it for you in the long run. 15 years ago the players were a hell of a lot different than they are now. It's definitely not easy to stay relevant and change with every single update. But, if you want the cash, the dollahs, the money, you gotta work with The Googles. Or you can pay a lot of money on ads, and just keep paying for the same people over and over again, unless you have a slick and sexy back end that follows up with them every single day so they don't forget who you are.

Either way, whatever you choose make it worth your while.

Click the "message" Nicole button and shoot me a message to ask me any questions you have about working with me so you can start ranking above your competition using Google Voice.


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