1 easy change you can make to get more listings this year
The Floyd Wickman Team
We train and coach real estate agents and specialize in agents wanting to expand their business. Live. Digital. Coaching
Getting listings isn’t always as straightforward as it may seem.
Especially if the market is strange.?
It’s not always easy getting the listing appointment. And, it’s even more difficult to get sellers to sell first and then buy.
The well seems dry and you’ve got no idea where your next listing is coming from.
If you’re in a position like this, here’s one small change you can make to get more listings.
And that is…
Yeah, it sounds counterintuitive. But it’s effective.
Stop trying to “schedule appointments” or to get sellers to sell first and then buy.
Instead of trying to schedule appointments, work more on proposing get-togethers.
There’s a huge difference between the two.
Look at it this way…
If you were a dentist, it would make sense to schedule appointments with your clients.
But as a Realtor and a Master Salesperson, your goal is to get together with clients and prospects.
Your goal is to have a conversation.?
That way, you can understand their needs.
Sellers are won over at the kitchen table in conversations.
So next time, you’re in contact with a prospect, tell them something like this:
“Let’s get together and talk about your plans and hopes and wishes and expectations and fears and concerns and goals”
Something along those lines.
And when you show people that you care about what matters to them, you get them to trust you.
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ps. Next week, we’re sharing 7 tips you can use to refresh your listings in our newsletter. If you don’t want to miss it, sign up here ??