1 Drupal tip I live by

1 Drupal tip I live by

David Wheeler once said’ “All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection.”

When it comes to #Drupal, you can consider this saying to be true. 

There is no argument that #Drupal is one of the most popular and widely used CMF (Content Management Framework) out in the market.

It might seem to you that the old features of the computers aren’t required today. With #Drupal, I can say it is not the case. 

The one tip I live by when it comes to this open source CMF is using CLI, more commonly known as Command Line Interface. 

Almost all the developers know CLI has existed since the inception of computers. And like I mentioned before, you might think it is obsolete today, but ironically, #Drupal has an inbuilt CLI tool: Drush! 

So, use your prior knowledge of Command Line Interface, as it helps repetitive tasks easier.

And when you are using #Drupal, ensure you learn Drush also and implement it in your daily #Drupaldevelopment. This practice will save you a lot of time and help you to be more efficient in completing a lot of your tasks.

I will site an example. If you know Drush, you can easily clear #Drupal cache with a single command, whereas, without this CLI, you will need to go through 3-4 steps and clicks to clear this cache. 

Now, clearing the cache is a repetitive task. So, which one is more efficient? A single command or few steps?

This CLI has helped me immensely, when I had less time, and more work to complete. I have shared one important tip of #Drupal, you guys can share yours. Maybe, we will get to know some unique and amazing techniques to be better coders!

#Drupal #DrupalDevelopment #WebsiteDevelopment

Tell me more folks. I am eager to hear from all of you.

With love, hope and happiness,



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