1 Conscious breath changes everything
Denis Gorce-Bourge MANLP - RMT
Leadership Specialist, International Executive Coach, Facilitator, Mindful Leadership Coach, Senior Consultant, Board Adviser, Speaker & Author
During a normal day at work, so much happens: a new request from your boss, a project that doesn’t go as expected, an unexpected meeting, whatever comes to stress you out.
1 conscious breath can change everything! Just landing back into your body, where there is no boss, no meeting and no project. The only thing that happens is YOU and NOW: the actual moment where your heart pumps blood once again for you, your lungs expend for you to drink at the everlasting fountain of life.
Just 1 conscious breath changes everything. Be in your body and breathe. Be with the movement of life, to remember that you are alive and that everything else is secondary.
You have 1000s of opportunities to come back to this reality every day.
Find back gratitude, presence, and let go of stress. Nothing is more important than you in this very moment, ALIVE.