1% Better
I just presented to an engineering, geotech group, Nova, in Tampa, Florida. This is a group that has had several successful years regardless of the market fluctuations in the construction industry. The reason for their consistent growth is there mindset of constant improvement. My message to them centered around the routine of making commitments in advance and embracing accountability. The key to expanding your comfort zone is to do exactly that, make commitments in advance with accountability for the execution of those committed actions. This is accomplished one week at a time, one person at a time. Can you imagine what would result from an organization getting just a little bit better every week? They would have the growth that Nova is experiencing. What excited me most about my experience with them was their eagerness to learn and improve. This reminds me of my experience as a coach for Olympic gold winner Jeff Blatnick, who won the gold in Greco Roman wrestling in the 1984 Olympics. Although Jeff was already the best in the world he was still eager to grow and learn! A common trait of peak performers!
Check this out from their president Randall Bagwell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vsk2XvrYOzs