#1 Best Seller … Satan’s Parturition in Camagüey

#1 Best Seller … Satan’s Parturition in Camagüey

I purposely chose the word,?“par-tu-ri-tion” (the action of giving birth to young…)?so that the reader would be keenly interested in trying to determine, via a google definition, how this peculiar word, “parturition”, happens to be side by side to none other than the devil, itself….Satan.

How did “Satan’s parturition” start a revolution that caused millions, including our main character, “Mat Towers”, to flee from hell? … history still cannot answer this question, even after 6 decades, and many generations?“birthing”?from the original devil’s seed.

And I also purposely left this until the end, so that the reader would indulge with the 5 chapters, starting with, “Everyone has A Devil”, and dwell into each of our inner weaknesses, …without having to call them “sins”, but rather knowing, outright, and without having our minds seem to shout out in public,?all the wrongs we’ve done in our lives. And finally, be able to come to terms with ourselves and ask, that one question?before?they incinerate us, or "box us" & black-out six feet under, …. yes, that question that seems to be like a mirror seemingly always in front of our faces, asking… “So then…Who Are We Now?”?It’s called, forgiveness.

Forgive others, of what wrongs you have felt, they’ve done to you,…but most of all,?forgive yourselves,?while you are still magically breathing on this planet!

I hope you follow?“Satan’s Parturition in Camaguey”, the prequel into the?Omnibus Adventures of Mat Towers, “Run Don’t Stop”, a 5 volume series account from the ‘50s through to the ‘90s, that will certainly answer many questions history has yet dared, to even consider allowing you to find out.

Although we’ve had to classify all of my written accounts as ”historical fiction memoirs”, we still changed many of our characters’ “real names and identities”, in order follow and respect privacy clauses that we adhere to.

But I’ll leave it up to the reader, to be my judge, and determine whether these experiences that have been recorded in “Run Don’t Stop”, …. really did happen !!!

www.booktolegacy.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJP19LSV



