2?? Abstract Factory- A Creational Design Pattern! ??

2?? Abstract Factory- A Creational Design Pattern! ??

1. What is Abstract Factory?

  1. The Abstract Factory Pattern is a creational design pattern that allows you to produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes. It provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects.
  2. Abstract Factory is a design pattern used in software development to create families of related objects without needing to know their specific classes. It provides an interface for creating these objects, which helps in managing and maintaining them efficiently.

2. Where and why do we use it?

This pattern is used in software development to manage and maintain families of related objects without depending on their concrete classes. It's particularly useful when:

  1. A system needs to be configurable with one of multiple families of products.
  2. You need to ensure that a set of products are used together, enforcing this through the use of common interfaces.
  3. The system should be independent of how its products are created, composed, and represented.

3. What problems will we encounter if we do not use it?

Without this pattern, you might end up with:

  • Redundant code for handling different object families.
  • Difficulty switching between families or adding new ones.
  • Code is tightly coupled to specific object implementations, making changes harder.

4. Real-World Scenario:

Consider a cross-platform desktop application that needs to support various operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. Each OS has its own unique GUI elements. To ensure the app looks and behaves appropriately on each platform, you need a way to create GUI elements dynamically without hardcoding platform-specific logic.

5. Solution to the Problem

Abstract Factory Pattern can solve this problem effectively by providing a way to create families of GUI elements without tying the code to specific OS implementations. It helps in achieving platform independence and maintaining consistency across different environments.

6. Steps to Structure and Implement the Factory Method Pattern

  1. Define Abstract Products: Create interfaces (e.g., ProductA, ProductB) representing different product types within a family.

  1. Create Concrete Products: Implement these interfaces (e.g., ConcreteProductA1, ConcreteProductA2) specific to each product variant.
  2. Define Abstract Factory Interface: Establish an interface (AbstractFactory) with methods for creating each abstract product.
  3. Implement Concrete Factories: Develop classes (ConcreteFactory1, ConcreteFactory2) that implement the abstract factory methods to instantiate specific products.
  4. Utilize the Factory: The client code should use an instance of a concrete factory to create products, thus isolating the product creation details from the usage of the products.

#Code Without Abstract Factory (Encountering Issues)

Here's an example of C# code without Abstract Factory and the problems it might encounter:


  • In this code, the client (FurnitureStore) directly creates instances of concrete furniture objects (ModernChair, VictorianChair, ModernSofa, VictorianSofa) based on the specified style.
  • There's no abstraction or separation of concerns, and the client code is tightly coupled with concrete implementations.
  • If a new furniture style is added or existing implementations are changed, the client code needs to be modified, violating the Open/Closed Principle.

#Code With Factory Method

Now, let's implement the same functionality using the Factory Method pattern. This implementation will include detailed comments explaining each step based on your guide.

Step 1: Define Abstract Products - Furniture items like Chair and Sofa.

  • In this step, you define abstract product interfaces IChair and ISofa.
  • These interfaces declare methods SitOn() and RelaxOn() respectively, representing actions that can be performed on chairs and sofas.

Step 2: Create Concrete Products - Modern and Victorian variants of the furniture.

  • Concrete product classes ModernChair, VictorianChair, ModernSofa, and VictorianSofa implement the abstract product interfaces (IChair, ISofa).
  • Each concrete class provides its own implementation of the methods defined in the respective interfaces.

Step 3: Declare the Abstract Factory Interface.

  • This step defines the abstract factory interface IFurnitureFactory.
  • The interface declares methods CreateChair() and CreateSofa(), which are responsible for creating instances of IChair and ISofa respectively.

Step 4: Implement concrete factors for each style.

  • The concrete factory classes ModernFurnitureFactory and VictorianFurnitureFactory implement the IFurnitureFactory interface.
  • Each factory provides implementation for creating IChair and ISofa objects specific to the style (Modern or Victorian) by instantiating the corresponding concrete product classes

Step 5: Client code that uses Abstract Factory to create furniture.

  • The FurnitureStore class represents the client code that utilizes the abstract factory (IFurnitureFactory) to create furniture objects.
  • The client code is decoupled from specific implementations and relies on abstractions, promoting flexibility and maintainability.
  • The Main method demonstrates how you can easily switch between different furniture styles (Modern or Victorian) by changing the concrete factory instance passed to the FurnitureStore constructor.


The Abstract Factory Pattern is crucial for creating groups of related objects without tying the code to specific concrete classes. By using interfaces and separating the creation details through concrete factory implementations, the pattern enhances modularity and maintainability. This approach allows easy extension of the product families and adaptation to new themes without altering existing client code, supporting the system's flexibility and scalability.

#AbstractFactory #CreationalPatterns #DesignPatterns #SoftwareDevelopment #CSharp #CleanCode #OOP #ObjectOrientedDesign #SoftwareArchitecture #CleanCode #SoftwareEngineering #SOLID

Hardik Parmar

Dart ll UI/UX ll Flutter ll FireBase

4 个月


Hardik Parmar

Dart ll UI/UX ll Flutter ll FireBase

4 个月


Hardik Parmar

Dart ll UI/UX ll Flutter ll FireBase

4 个月



