1-800-273-8255 Making Strides

1-800-273-8255 Making Strides

It is so powerful to years after losing my brother to suicide, a man who struggled so hard with the world "understanding" he was sick to see this number, this cause on TV and trending. Thank you, Logic for helping to being suicide and mental health out of the darkness.

A Statement from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

“When Logic released the song 1-800-273-8255, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s calls increased by nearly 50 percent. This was no coincidence. To have an artist and musician like Logic write about depression and advocate for suicide prevention is helping to create a culture that’s smart about mental health and suicide prevention. With the help of celebrities and musicians like Logic, use a public platform to open up about their own mental health, we can reach more people with the message that it’s okay to reach out for help when you need it. When this message is coupled with information on where to go for help, it’s life changing for so many. Through his music, Logic is helping to save lives,” said Robert Gebbia, AFSP CEO.

Read the full statement here: https://afsp.org/statement-american-foundation-suicide-prevention-logic-performing-grammy-awards/


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