1 in 5 Job Postings Are Fake: How to Avoid Wasting Time in Your Search
A recent Wall Street Journal report revealed that 1 in 5 job listings are either fake or never filled. (Wait, what?)
In this episode of the Let’s Eat, Grandma Career Warrior Podcast, I decided to discuss the issue of fake job listings, how to identify them, and what it means for your search. [Click here to tune into the episode.]
Nothing pains me more than putting hours of effort into something—only to be met with wasted time. What does an efficient online job search even mean? Are fake job postings sabotaging job searches to the extent we think they are?
Here are some other interesting facts we delve into on the podcast:
Click here or the thumbnail below to listen to the episode. (The link goes to Apple Podcasts, but we are on Spotify and other platforms as well).
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