But, '1' in '3' still Functionally Illiterate!
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
Not just in the UK as, the other 21st Century Global Pandemic in vision stress due to over-exposure to the near indoors and close-up eye-strain from prolonged periods on sub-optimally calibrated display screen devices predictably, causing binocular stress related "vision suppression" classified by the WHO ICD-10 as "Asthenopia".
50% more children now mirroring adult DSE operators suffering the consequences of carrying-on regardless of presenteesim or in children, effectively exhibiting approximately a 20% plus impaired "Access to Text" due to close-up eye-muscle fatigue presenting in early onset blurred or worse double vision disabling access to text.
For fluent readers (Min 240 wpm) in the workplace a 20% loss in reading rate, just a performance and productivity issue however, for children struggling to achieve any fluency a 20% loss effectively puts them into the functionally illiterate learning disabled class.
Sort of, OK in the workplace with Occupational Health and DSE Accessibility Regulations for DSE operators, ISO 30071.1 Colour Contrast Calibration Standard nevertheless, children have been spending as long as their parents working from home on-screen over the last eighteen months, exacerbating the risk of repetitive stress injuries / monocular adaptations and binocular vision loss.
Therefore, there remains the 64 thousand Dollar question, just how many schools are compliant with Accessibility Regulations and thereby enabling "Access to Text" for ALL including those with pre-existing vision impairments, Neurodiverse or Dyslexics at a 4 to 7 fold increased risk of early onset vision stress, blurred or worse double vision disabling access to text and learning ?