1 + 1 = 3 Changing the Equation with Collaboration
Collaboration is a force multiplier
1+1=3: Changing the Equation with Collaboration
It’s thee classic Classic Rock question: Lennon?or?McCartney? McCartney or Lennon? Yet, the credits to the most hallowed canon of songs ever, read ????“Lennon & McCartney.” And post-break-up of the Beatles, neither came close to the heights they reached together. Even when writing separately, their mere influence upon one another made both better.
Lennon & McCartney are the classic proof of the equation 1+1=3. It’s that something extra that wouldn’t have existed if the other hadn’t been there. And that’s the hallmark of great collaborations. Now how can you take an entire team and create exponential results?
None of Us is as Smart as All of Us
?The lone wolf may still have its moments, but these days, you have to learn to work together
Brainstorms Don’t Produce Enough Precipitation Pt. 1
Brainstorms seem so pointless. And you can blame me. Or people like me. Senior people who have titles that intimidate. Who are competitive. Who are glib. Experienced. Who know how to game the game. I don’t do it on purpose. But I have to take accountability and fix things. Create better brainstorming
1)??? Combine just enough tables to keep your group shoulder-to-shoulder?????
2)??? Unfurl a roll of butcher block paper
3)??? ?Give everyone something colorful to write & draw with???????????????????????????????????
4)??? Big and bold, in the center of the scroll, write out the question to be solved????
5)??? Start playing music
6)??? Each person starts writing down as many ideas as possible
7)??? After 5 minutes, stop the music and have everyone take a step to their left
Now things start to really happen…
1)??? Start the music again, and now give everyone 2 minutes to build off of their neighbor’s ideas
2)??? Repeat these steps until the whole roll of paper is covered in ideas
3)??? Use stickers and have everyone dot their 3 favorites
4)??? Record the most popular on a wall and discuss
5)??? Find potential territories and list related tactics beneath them
6)??? Record and distribute
Add your own touches. Do what works for you and your team.
Brainstorms Don’t Produce Enough Precipitation Pt. 2
We need new and better brainstorming tools in our toolbox. The Ping Pong method is best used by 2-7 people who should be presented the question at ???hand 1-2 days before the session. You are required to bring ideas into the room.
1)??? 20 min: Get together to share everyone’s ideas with each other
(Speaking order should be randomly picked from a hat.)
2)??? 10 min: Go back individually and either develop new ideas or enhance other ideas from anyone in the group. Only work on your favorites.
3)??? 10 min: Present the new/modified ideas. (Again, random order.)
4)??? ??5 min: Quickly vote on the 3 best ideas.
5)??? 10 min: The best ideas are then developed together by the group through regular?brainstorming
6)??? ??5 min: The moderator writes up the ideas and later distributes them that day. How those ideas are to be used is announced.
Ping Pong is designed to combine the best of both individual thinking and group efforts
Collaboration ain't easy, but it's worth it. How do you promote it?
Want more?! You'll find the podcast on Spotify and other leading platforms. You can also get your daily dose of inspiration on LinkedIn: Jim "Wegs" Wegerbauer
1 + 1 = 3 - is that Pete Townshend's math?!