A 1-1 match up between the ideology of the Fascist coup plotters of 1935 to Senate GOP. Here are links of GOP to fascism as coddled by McConnell

It is a not a pleasure to write this, but it has to be said. What we need to keep in mind is the tragic mistake made by FDR and Hoover as to not arresting Senator Prescott Bush of Conn., JP Morgan, and the money men who tried to convert the American legion into their instrument for a March on Washington DC, purportedly to be headed by General Smeldly Butler who blew the fascist plot to kingdom come. The main point is that the ideology of the 1935 plotters who wanted to kill Franklin Roosevelt and violently overturn the New Deal with a mandatory shift to alliance with Nazi Germany and Mussolini in Rome has a 1-1 connection with the positions favored by Mitch McConnell of the present GOP. It gets worse than that. Literally almost EVERY point J. P. Morgan and Prescott Bush wanted, including enabling the Eugenics "science" of the 1930s is alive and well today and part of the defacto political accepted by the 45 President as useful political DNA , as seen in the terrifying "experiments" done in detaining the housed population of presumed illegals by "ICE" at or near the US Border with Mexico. I.e. the parallels are terrifying and I will list them here

A. Prescott Bush and J.P. Morgan demanded an end to Social security as a "burden" upon those who have financial clout.

Check, We have a winner. I.e. the Present GOP is all in in terms of defunding Medicare, Medicaid, and also food stamps

B. Prescott Bush and J.P. Morgan wanted to have non "Teutonic" people barred one way or another as eligible to entry into the USA

Check, we have a winner. Paging Steven Miller of the Present administration plus others who are using the infamous "Public charge" rule as a way to rule ineligible one way or another immigrants who allegedly cannot purchase health care on their own as when they would enter the USA.

This is more burdensome than people think. I.e. it goes so far as that Miller and Jared Kushner have petitioned congressional members of the GOP to put earning means tests as to would be immigrants, and other "tests" making it almost impossible for all but wealthy Europeans to enter the United States legally.

C. Prescott Bush, and J.P. Morgan and Henry Ford (Ford Motor company) were violent Anti Semitic bigots who did their best to bar Jewish refugees, often having them turned back to be returned to death camps in Europe.

Check we have a winner. Replace Jewish with Moslem refugees and we have a prefect set and match up in that over 70% of Moslem refugees are SEMITES and if not allowed entry are returned to slaughter

Think otherwise? See this




When The Bankers Plotted To Overthrow FDR

The Plots Against the President

FDR, a Nation in Crisis, and the Rise of the American Right

by Sally Denton

Hardcover, 273 pages

Sally Denton is also the author of The Pink LadyAmerican Massacre and The Bluegrass Conspiracy.

Ursula Coyote/Bloomsbury

It was a dangerous time in America: The economy was staggering, unemployment was rampant and a banking crisis threatened the entire monetary system.

The newly elected president pursued an ambitious legislative program aimed at easing some of the troubles. But he faced vitriolic opposition from both sides of the political spectrum.

"This is despotism, this is tyranny, this is the annihilation of liberty," one senator wrote to a colleague. "The ordinary American is thus reduced to the status of a robot. The president has not merely signed the death warrant of capitalism, but has ordained the mutilation of the Constitution, unless the friends of liberty, regardless of party, band themselves together to regain their lost freedom."

Those words could be ripped from today's headlines. In fact, author Sally Denton tells weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz, they come from a letter written in 1933 by Republican Sen. Henry D. Hatfield of West Virginia, bemoaning the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Denton is the author of a new book, The Plots Against the President: FDR, a Nation in Crisis, and the Rise of the American Right.


She says that during the tense months between FDR's election in November and his inauguration in March 1933, democracy hung in the balance.

"There was a lot at play. It could have gone very different directions," Denton says.

Though it's hard for us to imagine today, she says fascism, communism, even Naziism seemed like possible solutions to the country's ills.

"There were suggestions that capitalism was not working, that democracy was not working," she says.

Some people even called for a dictator to pull America out of the Great Depression.

When Roosevelt finally took office, he embarked on the now-legendary First Hundred Days, an ambitious legislative program aimed at reopening and stabilizing the country's banks and getting the economy moving again.

"There was just this sense that he was upsetting the status quo," Denton says.

Critics on the right worried that Roosevelt was a Communist, a socialist or the tool of a Jewish conspiracy. Critics on the left complained his policies didn't go far enough. Some of Roosevelt's opponents didn't stop at talk. Though it's barely remembered today, there was a genuine conspiracy to overthrow the president.

The Wall Street Putsch, as it's known today, was a plot by a group of right-wing financiers.

"They thought that they could convince Roosevelt, because he was of their, the patrician class, they thought that they could convince Roosevelt to relinquish power to basically a fascist, military-type government," Denton says.

"It was a cockamamie concept," she adds, "and the fact that it even got as far as it did is pretty shocking."

The conspirators had several million dollars, a stockpile of weapons and had even reached out to a retired Marine general, Smedley Darlington Butler, to lead their forces.

"Had he been a different kind of person, it might have gone a lot further," Denton says. "But he saw it as treason and he reported it to Congress."

Denton says that as she was writing the book, she was struck by the parallels between the treatment of Roosevelt and that of Barack Obama. For example, a cottage industry much like the birther movement grew up around proving that the Dutch-descended Roosevelt was actually a secret Jew.

"It seems to me that going through history here, there are times that we need to have a demon, somebody that's not of us, in order to solidify our fears and our anxieties," Denton says.

"And I don't know what that is in the impulse of the American body politic, but... this is 75 years later, and some of these same impulses continue."

Read an excerpt of The Plots Against the President

End of quote

Now for continuing the overlap between then and now. Exhibit A. Blackwater of the Betsy DeVoss family and the hankering for an outright fascist military as advocated by J.P. Morgan and Senator Prescott Bush.

As to a fascist military ? If you think this is far fetched, then what was that sound about the time of the creation of Blackwater and Betsy DeVoss's brother sending in the clown show to overthrow Venezuela's government stopped dead in its tracks in 2020? Blackwater today, headed by Betsy DeVoss's brother is the Fascist guard wet dream that the bankers in the 1930s fantasized over and which nearly came into existence

General Smeldly Butler was asked to head this fascist force, after General Mc Carthur was deemed unacceptable because McCarthur had sent bayonet wielding army troops to kill unemployed veterans who camped outside Washington DC asking for their mandated by LAW "bonus" assistance was refused by a GOP dominated Congress. I.e. the Bonus marchers and also US Army veterans were massacred by McCarthur's forces, in a degree of calculated brutality which lead to General Smeldley Butler being approached by the Bankers

E. The big one. I.e. ripping up of international organizations and treaties. Specifically the Bankers wanted to have an explicit alliance with Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy and to bury the League of nations. And to subvert the British Empire as a world wide global grenadarme for Fascist take overs into the Americas and also a restoration of global White supremacy.

If you think this has no relevance today, the current Navarro, Bannon, and also Steven Miller are all in for the destruction of the UN, of elimination of any rules as far as state to state conflict. And also a race war with China.

If one disputes the hankering for a race war, see this



Faked report on non existent origin's of Wuhan lab contribution to the Cornavirus just busted as filthy lie. Army contractor lied, to satisfy racists

  • Published on May 18, 2020

I heard about this report and knew it was bogus. It is so good that the fake lie is being exposed. And I will say it here

POMPEO LIED, and the contractor group who lied was filling in for a filthy racist attack and should be sentenced to the Supermax.

I cannot tell you the impression this made on me. I hope they are sentenced to life imprisonment. Goddamn bastards.


end of quote

End of quote

In the 1935 coup, there was hope that there would be a convenient rally the flag attempt over attacking a designated non Caucasian enemy. Let me explain here what I mean. In the 1930s the racial theorists backing the Bankers regarded Russians and Slavic people as NOT Caucasian. I.e. the idea was to unite all of the USA into an all out assault upon Russia. Churchill for one was all in for this as were many of the Tory leadership. France, devastated by the First World War was less willing but not opposed. And of Course Hitler had written in MEIN KAMPH as to the desirability of destruction of the Russian nation for "teutonic " resettlement and slave labor.

Today we just got through what could have been a starting gun for a race war with China, over the recently unmasked fake Wuhan lab biowar scare report.

Today, the target of this racial hate, is the PRC.I.e. I know this sounds strange, but you have to remember That RUSSIA and SLAVIC people were not considered Caucasian by the Bankers

IN today's world the great non Caucasian power the present GOP wishes to destroy for much the same rally around the flag attempt is the People Republic of China.


I could spend literally a year writing on this topic. the skew lines are so voluminous as to defy belief.

However, Roosevelt and Hoover never defanged this coup. The plotters were restrained but never held to account with the result 85 years later, involving MUCH THE SAME SORT OF PEOPLE and family dynasties, we have the same horrid configuration.

The only way out of this nightmare is to go to full accountability and not to hold off as FDR did in 1935.

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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