08: Serial Tasking
Lex Fridman 's podcast with Walter Isaacson touches upon two types of people - the multi & the serial taskers. While citing Elon's example, he talks about how Elon is the latter.
When focusing on a core issue at hand, he will dive deep into the issue whether it is the latest feature for X, or a valve on a SpaceX ship or an issue on the shop floor of Tesla. With equal ease, he will shift from an issue at one of his company's to another showcasing that he can deal with multiple tasks over the course of the day.
It's not hard to identify multi-taskers, in some shape or form, they are all around us. While being a multi-tasker is easy, balancing serial tasking across multiple tasks is no monkey business. Those that manage to achieve this, unlock potential that creates transformational shifts across industries.
So which path are you treading towards - serial or multi-tasking?
Memos centred around the themes of Management Consulting, Thought Leadership, first-principles and frameworks.