08-01-2019 Univision Channel 23 to interview Town of Miami Lakes Residents @ 5 PM @ 170TH STREET BRIDGE... GO BY 87TH AVE NORTH OR 82ND AVE - LEFT

08-01-2019 Univision Channel 23 to interview Town of Miami Lakes Residents @ 5 PM @ 170TH STREET BRIDGE... GO BY 87TH AVE NORTH OR 82ND AVE - LEFT

From: Hope Reynolds <[email protected]>


Date: July 31, 2019 at 11:20:23 AM EDT

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Univision Noticias 23 Reporter M. Carrillo


Thank you for taking my call, as you explained as a reporter, you are unable to provide opinions, just an unbiased report and while we both agree that Hialeah is in dire need of alternativeexit / entry points as the land-locked area is quite dangerous to its residents, it is NOT the solution to bring them across to an area where grid-locked traffic is the reality of Miami Lakes.

We look forward to meeting you tomorrow, as you explained you will be arriving at least a half hour ahead of schedule to film on 154th Street traffic conditions.

As you well said, to provide an unbiased report where all facts come together to the benefit of the community…to put pressure on the Florida Department of Transportation, Miami Dade County Commissioners, Hialeah and Miami Lakes Government, it is IMPERATIVE that Miami Lakes residentsget involved and appear during your interview tomorrow to ensure a balanced approach to the interview.

While Miami-Dade County removed our ability to obtain links to specific videos, we still have the ability to go to the page where all videos are featured and select particular dates, please watch 02-22-2017, the date when Commissioner Bovo gives a preamble where he explains and I paraphrase 

“Listen Miami Lakes…we will not permit trucks to cross over and if I find that is a possibility, I willbe the first to put a resolution to prevent trucks from coming over to Miami Lakes or Palm Springs North.'

Board of County Commissioners Media History through videos, click below:


When we moved to Miami Lakes from HIALEAH, we did so because we went to a presentation where The Graham family -Miami Lakes developers- were discussing how the family traveled to Europe to ‘design’ a Town. 

We were told the Grahams had planned for greenery and provided pocket parks and the lungs of the community… Park West / Optimist Park

The Grahams planned for a community where we would find schools of every level, Houses of Worship of every denomination, building equidistant to two airports, Miami International and Fort Lauderdale’s…

The Grahams built apartments, Town Homes, Homes to ensure that every level of society’s economic ladder could build a life and many of us started in an apartment, then a townhome and finally moved to private homes. The Grahams built our roads, provided services, protected our investment and created a hidden gem in South Florida…

The emblem of Miami Lakes was our cows and when my father saw these through our drive of Miami Lakes he said…we found HOME…

It looks just like Punta de la Sierra, Pinar del Rio, Cuba…we are hillbillies and as such, we wanted to be surrounded by cows, ducks, geese, and we also learned that Miami Lakes was a bird sanctuary…so we fell in love!!!

Hialeah acquired the west side, opposite to Miami Lakes and built to increase tax revenue, to have an industrial side to receive millions through impact fees…

A major and distinct different perspectives… two communities that are very different in nature, structure and planning.

Now… the safety / security of Hialeah DEMANDS that they have an ability to find alternative routes to enter and exit land-locked areas and government is hard at work to NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for the very mess they have created and what is UNACCEPTABLE is that to defend one area they would put another at risk.

So… to be fair… equitable and just… PROVIDE BOTH WITH EXCHANGES THAT PERMIT THE POPULATION EXIT / ENTER each area without ever crossing in search for relief as to travel in the direction of Miami Lakes ONLY encounters grid-lock and puts ALL in the same un-safe and dangerous situation.

We thank you for the effort and because you lack many of the key components of communications required for full coverage, find below our gathering of facts to provide help and support in your efforts…

From: Hope Reynolds <[email protected]>


Date: July 30, 2019 at 6:37:58 AM EDT

Town of Miami Lakes Resident Martha Gonzalez shares e-mail received from Channel 23 reporter, who authored the segment ‘Bridges to No-Where’ - Erika Carrillo, of Univision


From: Erika Carrillo <[email protected]

Date: July 25, 2019 at 12:54:26 PM EDT 

Martha: Buenos Dias, 

Claro que me encantaría entrevistarlos. El reportaje surgió porque fueron cientos de vecinos de Hialeah quienes se organizaron y me pidieron ayuda con sus preocupaciones. El tema empezó con familias que compraron sus hogares en Hialeah y ahora tienen en frente esa zona industrial que es repleta de camiones. Dentro de esa denuncia obvio, surgió el tema de los puentes y por eso contacté de inmediato al alcalde de Miami Lakes. 

Hoy en la 2 parte, también hablará nuevamente el Alcalde Cid y el Vice-Alcalde Nelson Rodriguez como voz de su comunidad. Pero también tuve que entrevistar a otros 4 políticos del Condado, quienes tienen en sus manos la decisión final sobre los puentes. 

Con mucho gusto puedo reunirme con vecinos de Miami Lakes. 

Si quiere usted puede organizar a un grupo dispuesto a hablar y podemos hacer un reportaje dedicado a ustedes igual como lo hice con los vecinos de Hialeah. Aquí le dejo mi celular para que me llamen. 

Yo podría ma?ana viernes o el día lunes y podemos publicarlo la próxima semana. 

Saludos y bendiciones: Erika Carrillo - Cell Phone: 305-725-2872

English Translation:

Of course I welcome the interview of the people of Miami Lakes.

Our report came about because of the hundreds of Hialeah neighbors who organized and asked us for help to resolve their issues.

The problem stems from families who purchased homes in Hialeah and now suffer the consequences of an industrial zone across the street that has brought construction trucks traffic.

Within their protest, the issue of the bridge opening was discussed and I immediately contacted the Mayor of Miami Lakes.

Today we feature part 2 of that report, again, we will speak with Miami Lakes Mayor and Vice Mayor, Nelson Rodriguez as they represent the voice of the community. But, we also interviewed four -4- County politicians, who hold in their hands, the final decision on the bridge opening.

It would be a pleasure to meet with members of the Miami Lakes community.

Please, organize a group, available for TV interview and we can dedicate a segment of our reporting to you, just as we have done with the residents of Hialeah.

Below, please find my cell number, feel free to call.

We could meet on Friday, or Monday and publish the segment next week.

Channel 23 Miami Lakes Residents Interview - TV segment is being coordinated by Town of Miami Lakes Public Information Officer, Clarisel De Cardenas, contact information provided below:

Clarisell De Cardenas

Communications & Community Affairs & Public Information Officer

[email protected]

305-512-7133 Direct

On the same topic: e-mail received from Italy, by Bonnie Cintron to Town of Miami Lakes Mayor & Council:

-----Original Message-----

From: Bonnie Cinton

To: Councilman Carlos Alvarezc: <[email protected]>; 

Mayor Manny Cid: <[email protected]>; 

Councilman Joshua Dieguez: <[email protected]>; 

Councilman Luis Collazo: <[email protected]>; 

Councilman Jeffrey Rodriguez <[email protected]>;

Vice Mayor Nelson Rodriguez <[email protected]>;

Council Woman Marilyn Ruano <[email protected]>; 

Deputy Town Manager Tony Lopez <[email protected]>;

Town Manager Ed Pidermann <[email protected]>

Sent: Mon, Jul 29, 2019 - 6:25 PM [Italy time is six hours ahead 

of the US, so the time received was noon in Miami Lakes]

Dear Mayor Cid and Town Council members,

The disturbing aspect of our already burdensome traffic patterns being opened to yet additional congestion is absolutely frightening. 

Excuse me, but how can one community be allowed to impose its poorly planned expansion problems onto another? 

Our town of Miami Lakes was in existence long before the Hialeah development of its western area. 

It is notOURfault that developers were allowed to make rampant housing available to people without being held responsible for crafting adequate access to highways, schools, fire stations, etc. 

No one put a gun to anyone's head and told them to settle in those outlying areas. The people made their choices to live there and they will simply have to deal with the annoyance and expense of traveling in a circumventive route in order to get where they need to go. I am sorry for their inconvenience…

BUT, they -DO NOT- have the right to impose hardships onOURtown merely in order to alleviate some of their stress. 

WE are already “stress" when it comes to the volume of traffic we deal with on a daily basis and -NO ONE- has the -RIGHT- to give us more grief. 

That legally binding agreement that Hialeah made years ago regarding that 154th Street Bridge must be honored whether Hialeah likes it or not. 

The city of Hialeah, the County and FDOT should be working to gain access for the residents to I-75. 

I believe they are already working on a connection to the turnpike extension and 170th will soon be opened.

(I am not sure whether or not 182nd is able to be accessed from the west, but that would not be too hard to open.) 

The people from west Hialeah can complain all they want, but Miami Lakes was thereBEFOREthey were and we have every right to preserve our quality of life as best we can.

A lesson in how devastating over-development can be should be learned from this situation. 

If that mega.mall gets built, imagine theNIGHTMAREthat the ensuing traffic will cause for the whole north western part of our county. (!!) 

Were Miami-Dade County Commissioners using common sense when they approved such a monstrosity? Or… were they just seeing dollar signs? 

The quagmire of snarled traffic is not only stressful, it also causes real economic stagnation. 

People become ever-more content to stay home and order things through Amazon.

I urge all of you to come out very strongly opposed to the opening of the 154th Street Bridge. 

The entire 33,000 plus residents of Miami Lakes are with you.


Esther Bonnie Citron

East Miami Lakes

Next, Town of Miami Lakes Councilman Luis Collazo provides insight as to the efforts of our Municipal government to protect the governed in these very important issues by sharing the following facts:

From: Luis Collazo <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 07-26-2019 - Traffic, Bridges Opening at 154th and 170th

Date: July 26, 2019 at 9:35:08 AM EDT

To: Hope Reynolds <[email protected]>


When the issue of the opening of the bridges first came up we proposed looking at alternative designs which would allow access to I75 and not increase through traffic to either side.

I took this proposal and presented it as a new business item, and I was told that due to the limitations and spacing between exits it was not feasible.

I can ask our traffic planner and see if we can revisit the item.

Luis E. Collazo, Councilmember

Town of Miami Lakes

6601 Main Street, Suite 203

Miami Lakes, Florida 33014

Office: 305-364-6100 ext. 1155

Cell: 305-733-5199

Email:[email protected]


Dated 02-04-2019 Gastesi & Associates sent a letter to Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez; District 13 Commissioner Esteban Bovo; Honorable: Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners Harvey Rubin. Florida Department of Transportation Kevin J. Thilbault, Board of County Commissioners Chairwoman Audrey Edmonson; City of Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez and President of the Board of City Commissioners for the City of Hialeah Vivian Casals-Munoz… where:

  • Town of Miami Lakes initiates Conflict Resolution Procedures under Chapter 164, Florida Statutes
  • https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2018/Chapter164
  • Resolution 19-1588 initiates inter-government dispute
  • https://www.miamilakes-fl.gov/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=4728-resolution-19-1588&category_slug=2019-1&Itemid=272
  • Board of County Commissioner’s 02-22-2017 Videos, click on the following link then find the appropriate date: https://www8.miamidade.gov/global/webcasting/regular-and-zoning-meetings.page
  • 02:27 on the dial: 02-22-2017 Regular Board of County Commissioners meeting, Item 11A7 #170367 - Resolution sponsored by Esteban L. Bovo, Jr. Co-Prime Sponsor Jose ‘Pepe’ Diaz, Co-Prime Sponsor reads: ‘Resolution urging the Florida Department of Transportation -FDOT- to open the bridge on NW 170th Street over Interstate 75 to vehicular traffic, directing the Mayor or the Mayor’s designee to partner with FDOT and other appropriate or necessary agencies to further the objective of opening the Bridge on NW 170th Street over I-75 to vehicular traffic and to provide a status report
  • 01:40 on the dial… 11A7 on 02-22-2017 Public Comments [only two minutes per speaker allowed during proceedings]
  • Raquel Plat: Totally against the opening of 170th
  • Robert Scaluzo: President of Palm Springs North Association: Against the opening of 170th
  • 01:46 on the dial: Mercy Sierra-PSN, against 170th opening
  • 01:49:19 on the dial: Esperanza Reynolds: Sent an e-mail to all commissioners to ask why the item is on the agenda, without any public meetings to discuss this issue. If not for a review of the BCC agenda, we would not have known the item was up for discussion. We are rather involved residents and whilewe do not want the bridges opened at 154th and 170th,we understand your challenge with the Mega Mall, but to not involve the public and not let us know the item was coming before the Board today, feels like you betrayed our trust. We also protest changing the proceedings of this commission because the public seems to be cut off mid-sentence at times when they come before you. We always watch the commissioner’s meetings and at times TV re-runs, those who come before you are not experts in the art of communications and should be given theRESPECTto be allowed to finish their sentences. Thank you, very much.
  • Miami Springs President of the Chamber of Commerce in support of progress, supports the opening of the 170th bridge
  • 01:51 on the dial, Commissioner Bovo recognizes that public officials have entered the room to speak on these issues, Miami Lakes Mayor Mayor Manny, Councilman Nelson Rodriguez and Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez
  • 01:51:30 on the dial: Mayor Manny Cid, Town Manager Alex Rey is with us, NW 170th issue, our position is simple, a traffic study should be conducted prior to the opening of this bridge, initially created to service the building of I-75, Inter-Local with Hialeah is mentioned
  • 01:54 Nelson Rodriguez, this meeting came as a surprise, provides his address, police at intersections, 5 schools in the small area where we live. Need a traffic study, defer item. 36 minutes to go from 87th Ave to the Palmetto X-Way, 154th there is an inter-local, resolution in place with Hialeah, it was his dream to convert it to a park, like NY City. Blasting
  • 01:57:05 - Mayor of Hialeah, bridges were built to be used, made over I-75 because we all understood there would be a need to open them in the future. East of 97th is residential, west of 97th is all Industrial, moving industrial to 107. We need connectivity, moving people from one place to another. 87th Avenue is the main vain entering into Hialeah and most of the traffic comes from Miami Lakes, so we do not understand the issue of not opening into Miami Lakes. This will bring tax-base and jobs, it is important for the growth of that area. If we are going to say close the bridges then let’s close 87th Avenue so no one from Miami Lakes come over. East should have access to the west and vice versa. For Miami Lakes this is a good thing as people could go west and get to the Turnpike and Okeechobee
  • Luis Gonzalez, Councilman of Hialeah, common sense, why spend tax payer dollars on a study, Miami Lakes has become the bottle neck, if we do not have mass movers of people we need to open the roads, Miami Lakes is a bottle neck, we need to give people accessibility, to continue to think Miami Lakes is going to remain what it used to be 30 years ago is not real. Miami Lakes is more affluent but we need point of access and point of exit. 
  • Councilman Paul from Hialeah, the importance of opening these roads. Hialeah has gone through a large endeavor to bring first class residential, businesses, industrial and now going toward to establishing that connectivity, just like the Water Plant was key for our growth. Urge to open the bridge
  • Michael Pizzi: Law Office address, representing Palm Springs North Civic Association, 170th has been an issue for a long time, his son was 4 when it started and he is now close to 30… Brief points NW County Commercial Aviation and keeping bridges close are bare minimum safety net points, to protect quality of life in that area. Always understood Miami Lakes could have gone to court to prevent the growth of Hialeah, but opposition was dropped -Cut off by C. Bovo
  • 02:07 on the dial: Dr. Bennett: Decisions as a doctor are based on science, not feelings, we take the time to study the impact of treatment, so appalled at not doing an analysis of the impact of traffic into the Miami Lakes area, development is inevitable, but let’s study, last study was one in 2007, rep of Hialeah talked about 87th avenue and that is already to full capacity, 186 Street, Gratiny, expand those to improve traffic but do not impact residential areas. Make your decisions based on science
  • 02:07 on the dial: Alex Ariano: Residents gathered and discussed our roads are gridlocked we do not want to yield our safety and security over the monetary gain of land-owners, we the people must be heard and listened to. Rock mining, homes rock, crack and shake!
  • 02:09 Jan Schneider: We do not appreciate the opening of 170th, we are over burdened
  • Resident of Hialeah or Miami Lakes, statute of limitations has expired, we used to drag race on I-75 asking where is this road going to and now, it is key for South Florida. Glad the Mayor of Hialeah supports progress, look at Google map and realize there are only two exits, give people access to major highways not on city streets that are already grid-locked! Do a traffic study and not just dump traffic into a congested area!
  • Resident who lives on 170th: Please do a traffic study first

02:28 on the dial Bovo provides a prelude to the issue, stating that he has repeatedly said the reality is we have a transportation nightmare in all of Miami Dade County, experiencing a lobster trap in all directions, he has seen the grid-locked due to historical poor planning, but bridges have been sitting there as monuments, the cost of the bridges were close to $2 million, today’s value close to $5 million and we need to use them. Understands that we are in an area we want to protect as he grew up in Hialeah within a similar neighborhood. The bridge has nothing to do with the Mega Mall. Opening of the bridge require inspections, work, it does not turn on today to tomorrow but it will provide relief to the people of Hialeah, some traffic will cross, and we have amendments to protect the integrity of the neighborhoods, NOT ALLOWING TRUCKS TO COME THROUGH!!! East bound traffic would have to turn right or left at 87th, not cut through Miami Lakes! Yes, there should be a study conducted, which if it comes back with a negative impact will prompt Bovo to close the issue. The mentality of NOT IN MY DISTRICT has to STOP.

Final: 23 Noticias - Investigacion:

Puentes a la Nada - Bridges to No-Where

We have translated the entire report, both segments. Watch the video and read below if you do not speak Spanish: Channel 23 Noticias Investigacion

Opening of 154th and 170th Street Bridges


Hialeah residents feel trapped within their neighborhoods, signaling there are two bridges that could open alternatives but remain closed.

The only access road has to be shared with heavy pay load / construction trucks that is increasing the danger of traffic in the area.

Erika Carrillo presents her investigation through Channel 23, entitled 

“Bridges to no-where”

Thousands of residents that moved to the North West section of Hialeah say they are land locked dealing with traffic that is dangerous.

Gentleman interviewed -Mr. Juan Belgoderes- says it is a dangerous situation as there is only one entry / exit point, he mentions the neighborhoods affected: Aragon, Aquabella, and commercial properties that are located in the area -featured sign reads: Countyline Corporate Park, City of Hialeah, Florida. 



Aragon is a single-family community of Homes in Hialeah Florida offering an assortment of beautiful styles, varying sizes and affordable prices to choose from.Aragon homes for salerange in square footage from around 1,545 square feet to over 3,285 square feet and in price from approximately $290,000 to $525,000 while having an average homeowners association fee of about $151 per month . Listed below is all Aragon real estate for sale in Hialeah by BEX Realty as well as all other real estate Brokers who participate in the local MLS. No matter what your wants or needs, we are confident that you will find your dream home in Aragon or one of many other great Hialeah communities. Please reach out to one of our over 200 expert Realtors? if you have any questions or would like assistance seeing any Aragon homes for Sale.

[No mention of the traffic problems / danger in the area!]

Promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFXsQvWdw_4

Spanish add: ARAGON es una gran comunidad privada con bellas areas verdes y linda vistas al lago, que brinda la oportunidad de diversos estilos de construcción como: villas, townhomes y single family (casas). Actualmente en la comunidad los modelos que quedan disponibles es el tipo de arquitectura de casas, las cuales le ofrece la oportunidad de seleccionar en variados modelos y dise?os. En total serán 174 casas.




With a unique collection of single-family homes and townhomes, AquaBella in Hialeah Gardens is waiting to be discovered. Every home in this community features Wi-Fi Certified ? Home Designs.A master-planned, access-controlled entry community, AquaBella is highlighted by its very own magnificent lake and features a deluxe Clubhouse with elegant lobby, resort-style pool and sundeck, a state-of-the-art fitness center, game room and more. 

[No mention of the traffic problems / danger in the area!]

The second, more intimate clubhouse, includes an exercise room and a social room perfect for a quieter relaxation time. With two pools, a kids’ water park, outdoor grilling stations, and tree-lined sidewalks Aquabella offers a private, family friendly lifestyle, while its ideal location near Miami Lakes with excellent schools, shopping, restaurants and ease of commuting, make AquaBella one of today’s most desired addresses in South Florida.

Countyline Corporate Park


Address: 3740 West 104th Street, Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018

Phone:(718) 282-8282



Belgoderes says, corporations within the area are all suffering the consequences of Hialeah’s permit approval of construction within a land locked area.

The video of the number of trucks making a left at a certain intersection is absolutely incredible, a long line of heavy load construction trucks, the weight of which would have a major impact through any neighborhood.

[Just imagine those trucks traveling through Miami Lakes roads, now over 60 years old -154th, with full grown trees, and the damage it can create in our area. 154th would provide an opening only for Hialeah drivers to encounter the grid lock we experience. We live only a mile away from the Palmetto X-Way but have to curve in and out of roads to reach that destination and at peak hour it may take over 30 minutes to get there!]

Esperanza Lavin is next in the list of interviewed residents and she discusses the fact that these trucks carry sand, gravel, construction materials and travel at high speeds causing great danger to the community / drivers. She says ‘I die of fear at the intersection because these are trucks carrying heavy loads, carrying sand, dirt.” Reporter Erika Carrillo interjects “her fear is real, 100s of heavy load construction trucks share the only road that provides access to this area. 

We are talking about 97th Avenue. Francis Blackwell is interviewed next and she says ‘we have a large quantity of trucks that drive at incredible speed.’ 

From 138th to 170th there is no other traffic artery of relief.

Elizabeth Alamo is interviewed next saying what we have to do to get in and exit where we live is a topic incredible to believe. 

01:21 on the dial[County-line Corporate Park signage featured]on one side of 97th Avenue, Hialeah authorized zoning changes with millions square feet of Industrial Construction, on the other side, thousands of single family homes / neighborhoods where many bought the American Dream which has today turned into a nightmare. 

Interviewed: Eddy Santiesteban: When I moved here, we had at least, let’s say, 25 properties. Now we have over 3,000 properties built, and it looks as if the number of homes will continue to increase.

A Town Hall meeting is featured and the reporter says, these families have asked for help as the problem is now out of control.

June 2019, a heavy load truck paralyzed traffic for over five hours

[Video of that fated day is featured, with the reporter pointing out the dangerous situation as residents take it upon their hands to exit their vehicles to move the what appears to be debris that must have felt from the truck to clear a path so they can go forth on their daily routines]

The reporter explains they did this to have access to 97th Avenue and now those featured during previous segments explain that the cars were at a standstill for 6 to 7 hours, children that could not leave their schools, one says his wife, who usually arrives home by 6 PM, arrived at home on that day at 11 PM!

The area has over 32 blocks of construction with very few traffic signs and one traffic light. Commercial properties, companies such as Boing and Home Depot, construct their giant installations, and a voice is heard [Eduardo Lavin] saying there is no way to coexist with those who come to work in the industrial section with the residents that live and must travel in the morning and night.

Hialeah gave permit and approval to this massive commercial and residential construction in what in essence is a trap -callejon sin salida- and now, more than ever, they ask for the opening of two bridges -154th and 170th- which could become their salvation.

Richard Diaz is featured next saying there are two bridges, one on 154th Street[Miami Lakes]and the other at 170th[Palm Springs North but if we get rather technical on our observations, the south border of 170th belongs to Miami Lakes and the north border of 170th belongs to Palm Springs North].

Richard Diaz continues to say: Both of those bridges, if opened, could provide us with an exit going north toward Miami Lakes. 

Both bridges have been closed for over 30 years! The bridges cross over I-75 connecting the North West section of Hialeah with Miami Lakes and it is proposed that these bridges be opened.

Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid is interviewed next and he says: 

There are several studies that have been conducted, one by Miami Dade County and another by Town of Miami Lakes, the studies conclude that the traffic on 155th can’ t no longer cope with the capacity required.

03:00 on the dial:[There is no typographical error on the number 155, that is what Mayor Manny Cid actually says!]

Tax payers paid millions for these bridges in the 80s, the State of Florida never put these bridges into operation, cross them by car takes only seconds, to open these bridges has evolved in war that has lasted for years.

A resident is featured who explains that in 2017, Hialeah’s Mayor went to ask that these bridges be opened because we had already asked him to open the bridges.

The reporter asks, and what happened and he replies ‘Nothing!’ Since 2017 we continue with the same life conditions, only to get worse because now we have more residents living in this area. 

The government of Miami Lakes[Mayor Manny Cid and Vice Mayor Nelson Rodriguez are featured]explained that since 2005, the governments of Hialeah and Miami Lakes discussed and agreed on access through the bridges for either side. 

Can’t these documents / agreement be changed?

Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid answers: NO, it can’t be changed because these represent roads that are congested in the morning when we need to go to work. The roads can’t cope with more traffic.

Commissioner Jose ‘Pepe’ Diaz is featured next staying these bridges to no-where were created foreseeing the future development of this area, that is why these bridges were created. 

-A flat out erroneous statement, perhaps the Commissioner does not understand the history behind these bridges, but owner of the land then, Lowell Dunn, through eminent domain, was asked to yield this land so I-75 could cross through his property and because he wanted to preserve an ability to go back and forth to move his herd of cattle from east to west, asked the bridges be constructed above I-75 to ensure his ability to function.

Are those bridges… after 30 years of neglect and abandonment… capable of traffic going across that carries thousands in one direction or another, including heavy-load construction trucks? 

Are we asking for the same experience as seen by Florida International University where poor planning resulted in a bridge collapsing on top of flowing traffic only to lose the lives of several who TRUSTED government to do their #1 obligation and that is to protect the governed?

The TV segment ends with: ‘Even though it was Hialeah’s Mayor Carlos Hernandez and his six council-members who approved these projects, and such development in a land locked area, they refused to accept our interview by Channel 23 over this highly important topic. The other governments involved in this problem, County / Miami Lakes accepted to be interviewed as we develop 

Part II of this issue, which will be shared with the community tomorrow…’ 

Part II: Noticias 23 Investiga ‘Bridges to no-where!’ 


Hialeah families demand two bridges opened as they confront heavy load trucks traveling through their neighborhoods and the chaos this represents.

A community that lives between 138th and 170th Streets with only one exit / one entrance, the same roads they share with heavy load trucks. An accident paralyzed traffic for over five hours and now residents DEMAND a solution, which in their opinion, would entail opening the bridges at 154th and 170 street, to connect to Miami Lakes. Bridges that have remained closed for over 30 years!

After watching only the second part of Noticias 23 Investigaciones report, the key messages we must adhere to in Miami Lakes ought to provide arguments for each of the messages shared through TV to gain the Hispanic audience’s backing for County decisions.


First, the video centers around a 06-04-2019 tragedy -accident heavy construction load truck that caused the closing of these roads for over 5 hours; bridges that have been abandoned for many years, which even though they exist, they can’t be used because Miami Lakes refuses to allow for the opening.

Miami Lakes opposes the opening of these bridges because of the chaos it will mean to the Town.

A decision has been made to open one of the bridges.

On the 4th of June, 2019, a tragedy took place, causing traffic to be at a stand still for hours because there was an accident with a truck carrying a heavy pay load.

A resident is interviewed and says ‘Because there is only one entrance and one exit, do you know how many thousands of parents could not reach their children or pick them up at school? Some had to sleep in their cars a total lack of respect.

[While that is true, before an area is developed, there must be an analysis of the infrastructure required to protect the governed. What this means is that Hialeah / Miami-Dade County should have ensured the right infrastructure, roads, exits, entrances, fire houses, hospitals, before giving approval to projects.]

No one was able to enter or exit, then the video shows motorists getting out of their cars to remove dangerous debris.

We do not want that type of danger in our neighborhoods.

[This is true, but poor planning resulted in lack of infrastructure, yet plans approved to build thousands of homes / commercial businesses that created the very same struggle we are confronting now. Putting the cart before the horse, Hialeah Mayor and Council / County Commissioners, in search for tax revenue streams have allowed an a*rea to grow before considering the necessary and VITAL infrastructure to protect the governed.]

Reporters go on to say ‘but two bridges that could alleviate the situation, connecting Hialeah and Miami Lakes have become the ‘apple of discord.’

[Not true, opening the bridges onto Miami Lakes would resolve nothing. From our house, it takes 25 minutes to get to the Palmetto at certain times of the day, which means the people of Hialeah looking for a way out, would find one but encounter grid lock and no where to go.

The only solution is to create exchanges at 154th and 170th that will provide a way out to both Miami Lakes / Hialeah. Add insult to injury and the closing of lanes in the Palmetto, to find new tax revenue opportunities have paralyzed our own traffic at times, which with the oncoming traffic from Hialeah will now put two municipalities in danger… Hialeah / Miami Lakes motorists.]

Miami Lakes does not want the bridges opened because of the traffic that will come into Miami Lakes.

Nelson Rodriguez is interviewed and says “We need to defend our community, where we live and our residents and that is our jobs as Mayor / Vice Mayor, Council members of Miami Lakes” 

The right sound bite ought to be: 

We, elected officials of Miami Lakes, fully understand our job is the protection of the governed, regardless of where they live, we will protect Hialeah, Miami Lakes, Palm Springs North or any other community as we are the representative of the people.

But, we further understand that we can’t put one group in danger to save another, or put two communities in danger, and that is what will happen because if a resident of Miami Lakes waits an average of 30 minutes to reach the Palmetto, how can we approve a resident of Hialeah coming across for safety only to find gridlock?

What is right in this situation is the exchanges be added at both points:

154th and 170th! So either side can find an alternative route to the Palmetto X-Way and DEMAND the Palmetto returned to a road where ALL motorists travel without selected lanes be dedicated to collecting additional revenue.

For Miami Lakes, they have paid for these roads -in some cases- for over 40 years!!! Enough abuse of tax payers!]

The report goes on to say:

The State Government built these bridges in the 80s and they abandoned them because this was NOT an area of great development but Hialeah, in 2013 approved construction of thousands of homes in a highly commercial / industrial construction area that has only one entrance / exit and if traveling on 138th… motorists go to 170th and there is no exit.

Again, something that had to be analyzed before creating the dangerous conditions for residents of both areas.

Resident: Thousands of employees use the only entrance / exit we have right there at the 170th bridge.

Miami Dade obtained the permit to open it in December

Carlos Gimenez is interviewed and says the bridges must be opened because ‘they were built for a reason![Right here the true history of the purpose of these bridges must be brought to light.]

Carlos Gimenez further says The Mayor of Miami Lakes is trying to protect his area, as this will increase traffic flow if the bridges open.

[Video with a constant flow of trucks is shared and here is where Miami Lakes MUST thank the reporters to say that now that they understand the ‘composition’ of the traffic that could come towards Miami Lakes, we know that exchanges must be created because the roads in Miami Lakes were NOT built for this kind of pay load, that would put everyone in danger because if our roads are destroyed due to commercial traffic both Hialeah and Miami Lakes will find themselves in dire condition to protect the governed.]

Gimenez continues ‘so we must do what is best for the entire area, not just one community or the other.

Correct… but that is not the opening of bridges but the creation of either roundabouts toward I-75 or exchanges, but not cross over bridges that would simply make both areas suffer the consequences of poor planning, of making decisions to increase revenue by additional properties coming online through the Property Appraiser’s office, making people buy homes in areas where there is no safety mechanism as there is no police or fire, and no infrastructure to protect lives.

Manny Cid is interviews and says ‘we understand but it is our position, the position of our City and its residents is to open 170th we need to have the infrastructure for all the new traffic / cars that will flow into Miami Lakes.

Esteban Bovo, Commissioner for District 13, which comprehends Hialeah, Miami Lakes and Palm Springs North says he shares the sentiments of his communities but it is time for the opening of the bridges and permit the flow of traffic.

Bovo’s famous sound bite: “In transportation what we can’t say is Not in my backyard’ or not in my area because the reality is that those who live in that part of North West Dade, which for decades was a forgotten area, are now experiencing the pressure of development.”

[Not true, the County has known of the North West of Miami Dade County proposed development for years and rather than accept the suggestion of many who have gone before them to ask for exchanges that would allow both sides to exit to find alternative routes, has tried to go through the cheap proposal of opening bridges created by a property owner to bring his heard of cows from west to east and vice versa, and open bridges which Miami Lakes is not even sure would support traffic, in particular if this traffic would carry across heavy load trucks.]

[We shall NOT become responsible for another bridge collapse… and in Miami Lakes we mean to PROTECT the governed whether these people live in Hialeah, Palm Springs North or Miami Lakes for we are all human beings and what planners MUST DO is plan according to the expansion created in our area.]

Manny Cid is featured again and says ‘we want to be good neighbors and build a park on the bridge to open bike traffic coming into Miami Lakes, building a bike path that would go all the way to Barbara Goldman

A Hialeah resident then says: ‘It is inconceivable to make a park on a bridge. Who thinks up these ideas?’

We do not have schools on our side -meaning Hialeah- and the High School we use is Miami Lakes, so we have to go all the way around to get to the school.

Jose Pepe Diaz goes on top of the bridge and says, these are public roads, paid by tax-payers and the tax payers need the path to security, if there is an emergency or explosion like what happened in Broward, we must open the bridges…

[How can Pepe Diaz permit that his constituents in Hialeah -west of I-75- construct thousands of homes without an entry / exit, without fire, police and schools?]

The video continues to feature the fact that 100s of signatures have been collected to go before the County, then the fact there are plans to open a Turnpike access at 170. 

A lady says ‘let the urgency be felt’ we ask these people to plan development as if they were going to live here.

The video ends with a Hialeah resident who says ‘look at my face and tomorrow when you see my face featured in a tragedy, you will know that it was YOUR FAULT!’

Hialeah’s Mayor Carlos Hernandez refused to be interviewed, he approved the massive development but did not face the music ‘no la cara’ a la entrevista.

Hialeah has good news, as 170th will open in December but the PEOPLE OF MIAMI LAKES have called Channel 23 because they do not want to damage their quality of life. The future of whether 154th is opened depends on a County vote that will take place in September 2019…

MARTHA GONZALEZ shares the following information, from a Facebook post by Mirtha Mendez:

For those of you interested in the actual inter-local agreement between Miami Lakes and Hialeah on the issue of opening the bridge over I-75 on 154th St., please refer to Resolution 07-555 of the Town of ML. Said inter-local agreement was signed by Julio Robaina, Mayor of Hialeah and Wayne Slaton, Mayor of ML. It states the following:

Resolution # 07-555:https://www.miamilakes-fl.gov/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=701-resolution-07-555&category_slug=2007-2&Itemid=272

Page 7 - "During the term of this Agreement, Hialeah agrees that theoretical NW 154 Street on the immediate west side of I-75 SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY HIALEAH FOR USE AS A PUBLIC ROADWAY through a dedication, deed or any other legal instrument, nor shall it be designed, constructed OR OPEN AS A PUBLIC ROAD in any capacity that would allow the traversal of vehicular traffic eastbound from Hialeah into Miami Lakes and Hialeah shall not take any actions that advocate, support, approve or permit, either directly or indirectly, the design, construction of or use of theoretical NW 154 Street on the immediate west side of I-75 as a public roadway for traversal of vehicular traffic eastbound from Hialeah's jurisdiction into the Town until the Term expires."

For those of you living on the west side of I-75, your problem is not with Miami Lakes; your problem is your elected officials that agreed to the above


Julio Pumariega That agreement is fine and dandy but it seems that the ones calling the shots is Dade County not Hialeah. Otherwise start a reserve for legal expenses and fight this in court.

  • Mirtha Mendez
  • The lawyers who drafted the inter-local agreement have their reputation to uphold… they should be considered.
  • Mirtha Mendez, this is a must investment. We, the Town needs to enforce the agreement.
  • Julio PumariegaDoes Miami-Dade know about this agreement. Since they are taking votes on opening the bridges it seems they are oblivious to this. I was going to make a comment on what the County thinks about that piece of paper but you get my drift..
  • Julio Pumariega, yes they know. They don't care
  • Mirtha Mendez
  • We were told that the needs of the County take precedence over any inter-local agreement (Bovo)
  • Mirtha Mendez, remember his name and his actions when it comes time to vote

Marissa Gonzalez

July 26 at 5:24 AM

Just saw the segment about the bridges and couldn’t help but laugh at the fear mongering and referring back to that -1 one- car accident like if there aren’t other car accidents around the city that causes 4 to 5 hour delays. Hispanics sure do love to exaggerate everything LOL thanks, Univision.

Also, they can’t seriously use sharing a road with trucks as their main excuse. They decided to move to a place notorious for dump trucks…. since 

I can remember, my parents used to take my brother to school via 138th to get on the turnpike and I’d always see it as the truck road.

And now they expect the bridge opening to solve their problems? 

If or when the bridge opens then they’d really complain about waiting hours to get home or to work. Especially with the newly implemented and unnecessary express lanes.

  • Maria SantelicesNo matter what is decided, the traffic impact on Miami Lakes is going to be terrible!! I live 3 miles from work (garage to parking) and it takes me from 82nd and 154th to get to the other side of the Palmetto, 15 to 20 minutes. I worked at MLK8 (just retired) and I left my house at 6:30 AM to avoid the morning traffic. Came home via 138th to 87th to avoid the traffic on 154th. If I took 154th, it would have taken me 20 minutes to get home from a 3 mile drive. The other route only 5 minutes.
  • Esperanza Amelia Rodriguez DiazWell saidMaria Santelices, while we understand the plight of Hialeah property owners, families and children, the solution is not come across to go through a grid locked area, the solution is to create exchanges both at 154th and 170th that provide an exit / entry point to both sides without using the bridges for cross over traffic!

Miami Herald Article


Esperanza Amelia Rodriguez Diaz: Same things over and over... 

This is NOT the bridge to no-where but after taking away land through eminent domain, bridges that were built so Lowell Dunn could bring his cows back and forth. No one learns from history! Hialeah approved and developed a land-locked area without first instituting the SAFETY measures to protect the governed, NO schools, NO firehouse, NO police... and now... they want the bridges open so desperate people try to get out, cross over a bridge that will take them to the grid-locked Miami Lakes!

Esperanza Amelia Rodriguez Diazhttps://www.univision.com/.../habitantes-del-noroeste-de...


Familias de Hialeah reclaman que se abran dos puentes ante el caos de…

Familias de Hialeah reclaman que se abran dos puentes ante el caos de camiones pesados en su vecindario

Daissys EstradaAs usual they build residences beyond the capacity of the available infrastructures. 

Before moving back to Miami Lakes we looked at homes in way West Miramar. What made us decide against it was the foreseeable traffic nightmare trying to get to I75 to get to work in Miami Lakes and Hialeah back then since there was only 1 exit leaving the development leading to Miramar Parkway.

Mirtha Mendez

Conversation Starter·July 27 at 4:15 PM

More information on the bridges...The Town paid HW Lochner for the traffic study in 2017 (Resolution 17-1492) $99,776.61. Let's not waste this investment.

Resolution 17-1492 Click Below:


Manuel Vallina

July 26 at 12:36 AM

Friends of Miami Lakes we have to get together snd demonstrates regarding the opening of the 170 St bridge and the 154 St bridges to connect Hialeah West with the Miami Lakes east is going to be a big problem for us those people in the west side knew what they were getting into when they bought those properties now they are bitching about and they want to screw our city with their traffic let all support our Mayor and councilmen and women in this fight before we get screw by that PEPE DIAZ and the two face BOVO we have to do something ASAP

Mirtha Mendez

The solution is on ramps to I-75 ONLY and no cross traffic. We even suggested an on ramp on 87 Ave. to northbound I-75 so people wouldn't have to go to 154 to access I-75. Every time these solutions were proposed we were shot down. They said there is not enough space to do the ramps or there were no monies available or the moon didn't align with Mars. We have been at this a LONG time kicking this can down the road; we've reached the end of the road.

Esperanza Amelia Rodriguez Diaz BRAVO Mirtha Mendez... The solution is EXACTLY as you state. The people of Hialeah need to get out, so do we. There was a major accident that blocked their traffic for over 5 hours, parents away from kids, it was horrible! Now... the Commissioners / Hialeah Mayor and Council are trying to blame the bridges not opening and Miami Lakes against a measure that would save lives. Nothing could be further from the truth because drivers from Hialeah, west of I-75 would cross over to find grid locked roads in Miami Lakes, adding another city to the lack of responsible planning we have seen in Hialeah!

As a community, we need toSTANDwith the people of Hialeah and DEMAND not cross over traffic but an exit route through I-75. 

Exchanges that take us out through I-75 and Hialeah the same, but no cross over traffic to try to escape, only to find our roads congested and a Palmetto X-Way that is overwhelmed in particular now that the transit authorities have removed lanes, making our lives miserable in their efforts to gain a new revenue source through fast lanes that will start to collect more taxes from us. 


We need to demonstrate, attend Miami Lakes meeting, the September Commissioners meeting where this item will go into their agenda... 

Stop Abusing the People of Hialeah / Miami Lakes / Palm Spring North!!!

Susana Herrera

Admin·July 26 at 1:57 PM

Posting for my friend Claudia Luces:

Hello Everyone,

After viewing the news report on the bridges televised on Univision, I have several issues I would like to share with you, my fellow neighbors.

1. The City of Hialeah APPROVED several large residential developments in an area that only 1 road in and out, NOT Miami Lakes did approve these plans.

2. Some residents in those developments claim they were told the bridges would open. Why are they not holding those individuals that made that claim accountable?

3. Since the need to access is so dire in that area, which visibly had one road in and out, perhaps the City of Hialeah should consider bringing theses concerns to the different transportation agencies to build a ramp from that area onto I-75 (a solution offered by several residents over a year ago). This should have been part of the conversation to begin with prior to approving and building the thousands of homes in an area with one road in and one road out. Clearly a foreseeable problem.

4. There are several schools in that area, including a school that has been refurbished with state of the art improvements.

5. The City of Hialeah receives monies from developers (impact fees), some of these funds are allocated towards services like fire and police services. The responsibility of providing these services falls squarely on the shoulders of the City of Hialeah, NOT Miami Lakes.

6. As a town, we the taxpayers of Miami Lakes pay for our roads to be resurfaced. If I am to bear the cost of maintaining these roads and my commute and quality of life are going to be negatively affected then, I feel we should seek some form of compensation from the City of Hialeah as this problem was created by the decision to allow that many homes and commercial businesses one way in and one way out. (Perhaps, tolls for non-residents)

7. Will the commercial traffic/trucks mentioned in the news segment use the bridges to cut through the town to get to the newly reduced lane (also poorly planned) Palmetto?

8. The residents of Miami Lakes moved here because of the quality of life this town offered. We paid more for our homes and it is that quality of life that either maintains or increases our property values. It is incomprehensible that a poor decision made by another municipality is going to be remedied by ruining our quality of life.

I hope this Town Council takes the necessary measures to protect the interests of our hard working residents as it is clear that no one at the county level is looking out for us.

Thank you Claudia Luces

Ada M. AriasWell said!


Your write up is BEST IN CLASS!!!

Esperanza ‘Hope' Reynolds, Author: Destroyed Dreams


Author: Sue?os Destruidos


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIF9eUGi7hk


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